View Full Version : High Definition Video Editing Solutions

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  1. What' the easiest way to add talking bubbles to HDV footage shot on HV20 & XH A1?
  2. HDV and Graphic Card Overlay Resolutions?
  3. HDV 720/24p editing solution. Help?
  4. Cineform or BMD Intensity?
  5. What exactly do capture cards do?
  6. Which HDV editing program do you use?
  7. HD Editing Desk Setups?
  9. Mac to Linux, Linux NLE that is similar, but better than FCP?
  10. Titles
  11. HD-SDI to ComponentVideo/AnalogAudio (and vice versa)
  12. Help encoding hdv footage in Cleaner XL 1.5 for web delivery!
  13. NLE workflow thread
  14. Editing offline with DV PAL
  15. Good Graphic Card?
  16. How to import Premier Pro EDL into Final Cut
  17. New FCP 5.1
  18. Whats the Best SATA RAID controler ?
  19. PC + Avid Liquid or Mac + FCP?
  20. Best archival / mastering method for HDV projects??
  21. Baseball Statistics
  22. What's wrong with my process?
  23. SD DVD on HDTV
  24. Mid Range Graphics Card
  25. Mixing SD and HD footage
  26. Editing without a computer - need ideas.
  27. 16:9 video to 4:3
  28. Sony BRC-H700 HDV problem
  29. Project Help
  30. Workflow tips for combining HDV and DV?
  31. Capturing From JVC200E into FCP 5.2.1
  32. GREEN video and stills on export
  33. NEW: Corel consumer HD-DVD/Blu-Ray software
  34. Editing HDV
  35. Convert .ts files to something smaller in OSX?
  36. even playing 1080 24p files?
  37. Test results Positve! Downscale HDV to SD
  38. Anyone have an HD Leader?
  39. Best media player for CF Aspect HD .avi files
  40. Is the Matrox RT.X2 Worth the Money
  41. Connect HD audio drift problems
  42. Why do my 1440x1080 clips look exactly the same output to 1920x1080?
  43. Editing uncompressed 8-bit - what drive do I need?
  44. 24fps HDV in Studio10/VirtualDub/CommotionPro4.1
  45. Night Vision Catastrophe!
  46. What is best way to downconvert HDV to DV?
  47. "3D" Effect on still pictures
  48. I need a lot of help
  49. Newtek SpeedEDIT software & VT[4]
  50. Magic Bullet