View Full Version : How would you Dump 150+ hours of footage

Jim Fields
August 5th, 2007, 11:20 PM
Hey guys.

I got picked up to edit a TV show pilot after filming it with 2 other guys. We shot it 720P30 and someone shot in 720P24 ( I dont know why)

Anyway, I have 150 hours of footage, what avenues would you take to minimize the import time? All footage does need to be imported to go through.

I came up with the idea of 3 computers, tied to my server, each one dumping footage at the same time, making it a 1 week import. Problem with that idea is I cant reach the other 2 camera guys anymore.

So, any ideas, this is by far the most footage I have ever had to import, 30 hours being the last big project.

Michael Wisniewski
August 6th, 2007, 01:18 AM
Maybe there's a local video shop that specializes in this sort of thing? Or a local video editing facility/school that's already setup with lots of workstations. Or If not, I'd try renting several DV/HDV decks and then find a local training class room to do the capture. 10 workstations could cut the work down to one really long day, or maybe 2 days at the most.

Jim Fields
August 6th, 2007, 11:44 AM
I had thought about the 5-10 decks/stations, I have enough workstations for that, I was worried about the BR-50 Deck rentals, was thinking it cold be pretty high.

I am pretty anal about how footage is logged, and captured, I would be afraid of having someone else do it for me.

David W. Jones
August 6th, 2007, 05:45 PM
What will the Producer budget for, and how fast do they need to start editing?
Do they want it now, and are they willing to pay $20K for 10 people to log and capture on 10 workstations, or can they wait 20 days while you log and capture all the footage to a 2TB storage location?

It's all about time and budget!

Jim Fields
August 6th, 2007, 08:03 PM
I am in charge of the budget, I dont want to outsource, so I think I am just going to rent a few decks and use all of the machines here to dump.

Thanks guys.