View Full Version : Coloring/make-uping scar wax

Nathan Quattrini
August 23rd, 2007, 06:10 PM
So i have 2 16 oz tubs of scar wax and have begun making the slices and slashes for the actors bodies. I know to apply them with spirit gum if in a non-hairy/fresh shaved area. What I don`t know is how to apply makeup to tone match the actors skin. In quick tests i did with Karo syrup blood...the sryup doesn`t even stick to the wax...runs right off like water. I haven`t tried makeup yet, and was wondering if there is a trick to getting makeup to stick.

Also, any tips on making the cuts look authentic? Someone told be use black makeup down the center of the cuts...yes?

Bill Hamell
August 27th, 2007, 02:25 PM
This might help...
