View Full Version : Out of focus

Jamil Anait
August 24th, 2007, 04:04 AM
Hi people first posting here, first of all this forum has given me tons of advice appriciate that and the customs presets i downloaded where a real great help...thanks!...

I have one question though, whilst filming the auto focus for some reason locks on to the background and not the person in front of the camera ...why does this happen even though the background covers very little of the screen space. This happens occasionally but still annoying...

I will start using manual soon just need to be quick on the draw with that.

thank you people

Ken Wozniak
August 24th, 2007, 05:00 AM
Welcome to the boards, Jamil!

Several things to check:
1. Is IAF on?
2. Is the IAF sensor clean? Mine was dirty once with ugly results.
3. Are you in 24F mode? The AF is pretty slow in 24F mode.
4. Try using the Push Auto button to give it a "kick in the pants". Maybe that'll help.

Hope one of these helps you out.


Jamil Anait
August 24th, 2007, 05:25 AM
Thanks for that i did check the auto sensor that was clean. I'll probably push the auto focus to wake up the focussing :-)...until then i'll keep practicing with manual focus

Is there issue with the focusing dependent on what your shooting in?

Richard Hunter
August 24th, 2007, 06:53 AM
Is there issue with the focusing dependent on what your shooting in?

The auto focus does not work well with low light or featureless areas like a plain wall.
