View Full Version : Intermittent frame capture from footage?

Mat Thompson
September 16th, 2007, 06:29 AM
Hey people

I have a sunset (about 5mins) that I'd like to time lapse to about 10-15 seconds. Is there a way to capture this in Prem pro from the raw footage?? So capture a frame roughly every second - To my calc this give 12secs (Pal footage).


John Miller
September 16th, 2007, 11:48 AM
IIRC, Adobe took timelapse capture out of Premiere some time ago.

You could capture the footage as normal, put it on the timeline and then increase the clip's speed to 2500%. Then export it to a new file.

Alternatively, you can use our software (see profile for link) to capture directly with timelapse (make sure you capture to Type-2 AVI since Type-1 can upset PPro in odd ways).


Mat Thompson
September 16th, 2007, 03:35 PM
Hi John, thanks for the info. Yeah I know I could speed it up but I was interested to know whether time lapse capture was possible....obviously not deemed as a very required function.

I will check out your link.
