View Full Version : Mulitiple codecs but one final compression

Liam Carlin
September 18th, 2007, 10:28 AM
Hi Guys,

So i have amassed a good few clips over the last month ranging from video to motion graphics.

i need to compress them all with dv compression in AE but the problem that i seem to be having is when rendering.

half of them will render and the other half cant. all video is 720x576 pal and they have all gone through the mill with codecs.

some of the clips i know have went from raw avi to indeo video 5.1 to uncompressed and obviously this is not ideal.

How could i resolve this i only know of some clips that have certain codecs

also the all of the clips have been re-render to no compression so the file sizes are ranging from 100mb to 500mb if that makes a difference?

If you have any questions please ask! thanks :)


Emre Safak
September 18th, 2007, 10:46 AM
The problem is not clear to me. If you converted all of them to lossless why should one half render and not the other? Did you use multiple lossless codecs (e.g., huffYUV, lagarith)?

Daniel Ross
September 18th, 2007, 12:36 PM
I'm confused as well.

1. Never compress with multiple codecs. Work in uncompressed (uncompress the original files if they were DV, etc.), then only compress as the final output of the final uncompressed file.
2. If you have compressed files, I suggest uncompressing them now, then doing the best you can with that output after.

Liam Carlin
September 20th, 2007, 04:25 PM
Hi guys,

Right i'll explain a little better. first of all here is the error message that i get when i try and render them out to DV compression...

After Effects error: image size or format not supported by compressor, or there may be a hardware or memory problem. (53 :: 30)
17/09/2007 21:58:28: Finished composition “comp1”.

my machine spec certainly is good enough so it must be a compressor issue.

so i rendered all of the clips to lossless from the files that i had. i think basically what has happened is i have used many codecs and its just knocked it to pot.

i'll try and uncompress them and see what happens from there.



Daniel Ross
September 20th, 2007, 06:20 PM
I'd suggest going into the advanced options and customizing "lossless". Don't use the ('lossless') animation codec-- use none. That will make the file about 2% larger, but it might also save a bit of data loss (though it claims it doesn't, and I use it myself fairly often, since I can't find any differences), and i've heard there are errors when exporting with it. See if that helps.