View Full Version : Logging and searchig clips.

Rodrigo Gil Medina
October 24th, 2007, 09:45 PM

I'm currently beginning a project for a client (sports team) that want me to record all of their games and deliver them a CD where they can not only see the game, they also want to add a search engine, where if they want to search for a specific player a menu will appear with thumbnails of the plays that player did. Or maybe they want to search for all the incomplete passes.

Here's what I have thought so far: I need a logger that watches the game and in real time assign key words when a play is made, for example: john smith pass center. This keywords would then be assigned to a specific time code, so when the user searches for john smith the computer will display all the scenes that the logger assigned the words john smith to.

Does anyone knows of programs that can do this, logging and playing specific timecodes?

Dennis Stevens
October 26th, 2007, 10:01 AM
I don't know of a software that does that, but it sounds like a great idea for a software application some enterprising developer ought to create.

I've done programming in Windows with various Microsoft products. My first question is if Visual Basic or other programming language can access the timecode in Windows Media player (or other application).

You could have an interface where someone would watch the clip, and type in the keywords (john smith, center pass) and when the user clicks 'Save', recording the time code being watched.

I'm not sure how you would automate that process. But that could be another service to charge money for.

Rodrigo Gil Medina
October 29th, 2007, 08:58 PM
In my search I have found that there is something called a tagging system, the only problem is that I haven't found a specific brand or product that does this. Anyone knows about this?