View Full Version : Azden for $125

Loren Simons
December 30th, 2007, 01:52 AM
Through a friend i can get a Azden 2X for 175. than i have a gift card for 50, so i could get the Azden 2X for a total of 125. Does that sound worth it? I want to use this for a shoot in a house. This a good idea?

Steve House
December 30th, 2007, 06:17 AM
Through a friend i can get a Azden 2X for 175. than i have a gift card for 50, so i could get the Azden 2X for a total of 125. Does that sound worth it? I want to use this for a shoot in a house. This a good idea?

Shotguns are not usually very good sounding in a typical acoustically reflective interior. Couple that with the bargain-basement nature of Azden products in general and you may be dissapointed in the results. It all depends on what you're shooting and how critical your standards are. If it's family parties, horsing around for YouTube, or otherwise shooting for fun, then why not? Hoping to make an indy film to enter into festivals or break into broadcasting, you need to look a bit more upscale.

Carl Middleton
December 30th, 2007, 10:39 AM
I've used Azdens for broadcast without any problems, albiet for Latin American TV. It sounded pretty good to my ears. I also work part time at the local PBS affiliate (fun stuff!) and they use all Azden wireless lavs.