View Full Version : Pan Scan Dvdsp

Brian David Melnyk
February 8th, 2008, 09:58 AM
A quick question:
I created a DVD with DVDSP so that the video could be played 16:9 letterbox and also another version Pan and Scan (with subtitles tailored to 4:3).
i simulate and all is as it should be, but when the burned DVD plays through my computer (iMac "17) BOTH are letterbox.
is this a case of the computer making its own decision to show full screen letterbox for the pan scan?
will it play 4:3 on a tv with a DVD player (i WILL test, but access to a DVD player and TV is not quick or easy {i'm in Burundi with all that goes with that...}).
thanks in advance.

Aric Mannion
February 8th, 2008, 10:16 AM
Isn't your imac widescreen? Are you saying it has black bars on the top and bottom?

Brian David Melnyk
February 10th, 2008, 02:49 AM
yes, the iMac is widescreen, and there are bars on top and bottom:
it shows the pan and scan version (track in DVDSP assigned as '16:9 pan and scan') as letterboxed. i actually went out and found and purchased a DVD player and tested the DVD, and it showed the letterbox as letterbox and the pan and scan as 4:3, cropped (so, as pan and scan).
relieved that it works as it should on a DVD player and TV, but still wondering why the computer won't show the 'pan and scan' as 4:3 cropped?