View Full Version : Swapping the fields

Joe Redifer
March 5th, 2002, 01:52 AM
I rendered a short computer animation with field rendering turned on as an experiment. But for some insane reason DV has the fields ASS-BACKWARDS from every other type of NTSC video on the planet. Are there any programs that can swap the upper and lower fields so my motion isn't all jittery on playback? The rendering program did not allow me to choose upper or lower first.

Bill Ravens
March 5th, 2002, 08:05 AM
there really are a lot of ways to do this. the two most noteable to me are Ulead Media Studio pro 6 or Avery Lee's VirtualDub and Smart deinterlace filter. Instead of de-interlacing tho', just turn the "field swap" option on.

Adam Lawrence
March 5th, 2002, 10:37 AM
try rendering a targa or jpg sequence..

it keeps the fields for motion puproses but doesnt interlace.
works good for moving text and such.

Joe Redifer
March 5th, 2002, 04:18 PM
The problem with my computer renering program (Ray Dream Studio) is that it renders Image #1, then Image #2 as full res pics. Then it splits them up and combines Image #1 and #2 into one frame, each having two fields. Unfortunately there is no way around this. It might be better if I got a more current computer animation program :)

Adam Lawrence
March 5th, 2002, 04:52 PM

well.. yeah a better 3d software would be good...
but expensive..

I use 3d max and lightwave both good programs.
i have a copy but its about 500m. basically unsendable.

try maybe deinterlacing in post software like after effects or somehting.
might get rid of the jumpy look.

Joe Redifer
March 5th, 2002, 05:26 PM
Actually it is just easier to render in 30fps, which is what I normally do since it matches the Frame Mode on my XL1. I wanted to try and render 60 field animation just in case I ever do something that requires 60 field video, like a spoof on a newscast.

Ken Tanaka
March 5th, 2002, 10:43 PM
I don't know whether or not this applies to your particular problem, but here it is anyway.

I just attended an After Effects seminar today during which the issue of interlacing came up. The instructor was nearly rabid in oferring two suggestions.

(1) When exporting from AE always leave field selection unspecified unless you have some very specific reason for not doing so.

(2) Use an -animation- codec, rather than a DV codec, for exporting from AE.