View Full Version : Rifa EX- Anyone used the Flouro setup yet?

Alex Lucas
February 23rd, 2008, 07:42 AM
I'm going to get a Rifa, but just wondering what the results were for the flourescent setup with multiple bulbs. I've seen the single bulb run, but the triple is what's got me excited. It's a hundred bucks to have the converter device (pius bulbs) and I was wondering if the look of it was comparable to a kino or anything like that.

Anybody like the look? Is it better, does it look like a kino when it's set up?
Anyone gone the extra mile and have the conversion kit for a newer Rifa EX?

I'm going to get the 500W Rifa 55, just wondering if I should get the three bulb converter at the same time.

Ken Plotin
February 23rd, 2008, 11:54 AM
I'd certainly go for it. That extra $100 buys you the ability to use 3 65w
daylight fluos, about equal to 600-650w tungsten WITHOUT having to gel it for daylight and losing a couple of stops. A grid or "eggcrate" is also a very worthwhile add on for Rifas (or any softbox).
Hope this helps.