View Full Version : Help! Info on syncing up 2 XL H1's, please..

Marty Molloy
March 2nd, 2008, 07:16 PM
Sorry if this question is posted in the wrong spot....I've looked all over the website and haven't found what I needed....
Can someone tell me how to sync up 2 XL H1's to tmecode so they both record at the same time? Do I need something more than just the two cameras? I hope this is the proper way to ask about this, as I'm a novice when it comes to timecode operation. Thanks a bunch in advance, Marty

Pete Bauer
March 2nd, 2008, 07:29 PM
Here's a quick-n-easy way that works for either the XL2 or the XL H1:

Otherwise, pp60-61 of the US XL H1 user manual has the standard instructions when using BNC cables.