View Full Version : xl-2 banding on playback

Thomas Walsh
April 30th, 2008, 10:24 PM
Was reading through forum and was wondering if anyone else other then a few on the forum have a problem with the xl2 banding. I playback the tape in the rewinder then hook p xl2 to vcr to view on tv. I have the xl2 in vcr mode and others in the forum say they have had the same problem with banding when doing this, Anyone else the videos are clear it's just random in the tape can be anywhere from beginning to end. Can replay then the problems gone where it was, and maybe a new spot on the tape that didn't have it before now has banding not more then a second.Cleaned heads.only 10 months old with 2 1/2 hrs recorded using panasonic ay-dvm63amq tapes thanks in advance

John Threat
May 1st, 2008, 07:54 AM
Immediately clean your heads with a cleaning tape as soon as you see banding anywhere on your camera or deck.


You can get banding on your actual tape if you record while your heads are dirty.

Jarrod Whaley
May 1st, 2008, 12:31 PM
It does sound like your heads are dirty. As John says, you're lucky that the drop-outs weren't actually recorded onto the tape--which doesn't seem to be the case, since you're seeing the banding in different places.

If running a cleaning cassette over the heads doesn't do the trick, it might be time to send the camera to Canon's camdoctors for a physical exam. :)