View Full Version : Vegas 8 thumbnail confusion

Tom Majeski
May 25th, 2008, 09:20 PM
Canon XHA1 connected to brand new Dell XPS quad core.
Each tape has anywhere between 60 and 120 clips of 5 seconds to 2 minutes each. I capture the whole tape at once and let vegas divide the clips.

My problem is that when I browse my folders, the thumnail images display the last frame of the previous clip. It's very confusing when trying to organize my work. Are there any settings in vegas to delay the sensing of the clips by a frame or two?

I did not have this problem while using Vegas on my older amd 1.8g laptop.

Jeff Harper
May 25th, 2008, 10:45 PM
I'm curious, what OS are you using? Vista?

Tom Majeski
May 26th, 2008, 06:50 AM
Yes, Vista. Old computer was XP.

Jeff Harper
May 26th, 2008, 07:25 AM
Tom, I have no provable reason to say this, but I would suspect the issue is with Vista. I know how quirky Vegas can be for some folks, but I don't know about this. Do you think you might try disabling all Vista features such as the Vista theme and change your setting to performance mode in the advanced settings for appearance?

A simpler and quicker thing to try would be going to folder options - view - and then checking the box for "Do not cache thumbnails". Again, I have no experience with this issue, but try one or both of these things. I would. Good luck.

Additionally you might try rebuilding your thumbnails, though I haven't done that for years and forget how to. I believe Tweak UI does that, but don't know if there is a Vista version or not.