View Full Version : Any tips on making day for night look a little less lame?

Jon Palmer
May 26th, 2008, 05:28 AM
Hi everyone.

I have a scene or two in an upcoming project that needs to be set at night. We're using the redrock m2 35mm lens adaptor which, as you know, isn't the best as far as low light goes (like most lens adaptors).

After looking at all the possible options (renting bigger lights, finding faster lens' etc) it looks like day for night really is the only way we can make it work.

I know it's a cliche. I know it's tricky. I know it doesn't actually look like night.


Anyone got any tips or advice? :)

Daniel Alexander
June 4th, 2008, 05:11 PM
try to shoot at 'magic hour' no direct sunlight casting hard shadows, try to avoid any light emmitting sources (car head lights, street lamps etc) unless you dont mind the extra work in rotoscoping. Also becareful of strong reflective surfaces in the shot as they can capture the sunlight in a way which can give you problems when attempting a convincing day for night. when it comes to the post production, check out

Hope this helps

Jon Palmer
June 7th, 2008, 09:05 PM
Great, thanks for the tips mate :)