View Full Version : Exporting High-Quality Footage

Mike Wham
May 29th, 2008, 10:25 AM
Hi! Can somebody recommend some settings/software to use to get high-quality, deinterlaced HD video from FX1 footage captured at 1080/60i? I've tried several options (mpeg, quicktime, etc.) but it seems to get compressed. Also, what aspect ratio should I be using? It looks distorted when I export 16x9 from Premiere Pro 2. Additionally, I'm confused about what the resolution really is.. Premiere seems to think it's 1440x1080, but I thought HDV was supposed to be 1920x1080.

Thank you!

Aric Mannion
May 29th, 2008, 10:52 AM
Well I'm on a mac so there's no question as I always use quicktime. HDV is actually 1440 not 1920, but it stretches out to display properly like 16X9 DV video, which is actually 4:3. HDV usually looks right in QT, unlike anamorphic DV though.
If the video looks distorted you should look at the movie properties, click presentation, and select the one from the conform aperture drop down menu that looks right to you. You can save these settings so it opens correctly next time.
If the quality looks low you should go into the properties and select video track. Look under visual settings and check high quality. Or just go into the preferences and make sure "use HQ video settings when available" is checked. This doesn't effect all movies, but for some reason some videos are unwatchably bad unless this is checked.
I use After Effects for de-interlacing and exporting, other wise I use apple pro res in Final Cut. That probably doesn't help you, I just wanted to explain the QT settings and resolution.

Rob Evans
May 30th, 2008, 10:09 AM
Hi, I use premiere pro 2 and in this case I would usually use the media encoder to export to the MPEG2 predefined sets - I think there's an option for HDV 60i @ 25mbps??? That, i think should minimize compression.....

Or am i missing the point here ? ;-)