View Full Version : DVD Studio Pro Button States

Tyler Schlombs
May 31st, 2008, 09:00 AM
I've been using DVD Studio Pro for a while now with not too many problems but all of a sudden the button states do not work. I select a button, and then toggle between the different states (normal/selected/activated) and nothing happens. I have tried adding buttons that come with the program, I've tried creating my own and including the text, I've tried making overlays through photoshop... nothing works.

The thing that really gets me, is that they work in the simulator the way I want them to so, what am I doing wrong? Is there a box somewhere I have unchecked? Please help.

Tyler Schlombs
June 2nd, 2008, 06:24 AM
wow. After getting some sleep I found the problem in seconds. In the menu viewer window, there is a settings pulldown. The display settings were on background... boy do I feel dumb. They need to be on composite to see all that stuff.

Thought I'd let anybody who is also asleep know what to do.