View Full Version : MC 3.0 Upgrade

David Parks
June 18th, 2008, 07:52 AM
Big FYI... Manually Uninstall previous versions of MC or Xpress or look forward to some headaches...

Over the last day I was supposed to upgrade my clients' Avids to 3.0. I stupidly jumped into without reading the read me files. Big mistake.

My initial installation was to upgrade a notebook with 2 GB of ram on Win XP. Right off the bat I had a warning to adjust the virtual memory setting from 2048 to at leat 2700. So i attempted to that in the control panel. Mistake because Avid wants you to run a utilility call Intall3GB.exe. This fixed one problem but another was lurking under the waves. I didn't uninstasll version 2.8 becuase for a few years now, Avid sort of did that for you during installation of a new version. SO don't do as i did, Make sure you manually uninstall previous versions before you install 3.0. To get around the problem quicky Avid had me editing registrys. Esssentially hacking the notebook. This didn't work so in the interest of time I reverted back to 2.8. I plan on trying again today. my set up at home was a clean install so i didn't have the same issues.

After reading the docs after my stupidity I saw I would have simillar problems on the MAC. Avid directs you to manually uninstasll previous versions, make sure you're running Leopard, and then intall 3.0.


David Parks
June 18th, 2008, 04:09 PM
Got everything working now. Needed to also update Nvidia driver. BTW, one big surprise.

They changed some of the edit icons specifically the extract and lift to a yellow and red arrow pointing up. I've been pressing the weight lifter guy and scissors for a long time. It will take some getting used to.

Everything works great, extremely responsive and I love the new TC Generator. Apply it to a video track from the effect pallettte. You can set up multiple windows including one that shows the name of source clips. This really helps my review process greatly.


Peter Moretti
June 18th, 2008, 05:23 PM

I know you said you've got everything running well now, but I thought this post might be helpful:

I saw that the Lift and Extract icons had changed, I thought that was a shame :(.

Glad you like 3.0. I'm still using AXP but looking to make the switch when I need to. Thanks for all your help, BTW, over the past many months.

Bill Ravens
June 18th, 2008, 06:31 PM
c'mon, give me a break! you got a problem with the icons they used for lift/extract? the functions are the same. christ, if you can't adapt to new icons, you're in deep doodoo, my friend.

David Parks
June 19th, 2008, 07:28 AM
That's hilarious. Of course we'll adapt. But long time Avid editors have been pressing Weight Lifter Guy since the very early 90's. I've estimated that I've used that function tens of thousands of times. We should at least give him a proper send off. I plan on drinking to Weight Lifter guy this weekend.

A toast to the iconic icon. The keeper of an edit operation so powerful as to not disturb what's before or after it while deleting that one shot shot the client insists on changing. All done with one push of a button.

Farewell all poweful lift dude..... Now on to an arrow pointing up.


Thanks for the link Peter....

Vito DeFilippo
June 19th, 2008, 07:40 AM
christ, if you can't adapt to new icons, you're in deep doodoo, my friend.

Bill, relax, dude. He didn't say anything about not being able to adapt, he just said he thought it was a shame to see them go.

I'm sorry to see weightlifter guy go, too, but I think I'll be able to handle it...and I'm sure Peter will as well.

Richard Alvarez
June 19th, 2008, 07:49 AM
When I started on Avid, the Weightlifter Icon was a very useful remninder of what the function would do. In my mind, the little guy stood BETWEEN the two pieces of film, so there was no way they could 'slam together' - sort of helped me remember that the piece I
'lifted' would leave a space between the clips.... I dunno, it just sort of made sense in my minds eye.

Adios' Mr. Weightlifter....

(Of course, in a drawers somewhere, I have the template of key stickers that came with my first copy of Avid... I COULD stick him on the keyboard.....)

Bill Ravens
June 19th, 2008, 07:53 AM
sorry guys. guess I haven't been on avid long anough to appreciate the weight lifter. I thought the esoteric icon was a bit unusual. Oh well, R.I.P.

David Parks
June 19th, 2008, 08:06 AM
It's cool Bill...

Now that i think back I wasn't as intuitive as Richard when I first started on Avid. I just got off the phone with a ole buddy of mine. And we both had to admit that we had to really consult the manual at first to dicpher all of the icons. And we both said "What the hell is that for???" on weight lifter guy. Once i understood what it did I thought it was funny and that whoever designed that icon had a real sense of humor. So I guess for new users i can see where a pointing arrow up makes more "ergonomic" sense.

Still, there's an Amstel Light reserved for me, all drinking to change and weight lifter dude, and whatever else I feel like drinking to.

be safe,

John Mitchell
June 30th, 2008, 06:38 PM
I pressed hard to keep the existing icons because that is what is on an Avid keyboard (not because I couldn't adapt). Unfortunately it fell on deaf ears.

BTW using the 3GB.bat file on a machine with only 2gig of Ram is pointless. Setting the virtual memory would have been fine. That batch file actually allows programs to access 2.7G of RAM (physical memory, not virtual memory) so if the machine doesn't have more than 2.7G it's pointless. It's an XP hack set by the operating system during the start up sequence. It may even cause Avid to swap out memory to disk at the wrong time, like during a digital cut.

My advice - put 4Gig in the laptop otherwise problems may arise.