View Full Version : In Need of Feedback...The squealing kind!

Frank Simpson
July 4th, 2008, 06:36 PM
In a nice little fit of irony, I find myself in need of a brief sound effect of a microphone feeding back. I really thought that this would be an easy effect to find, but so far it is proving to be most elusive!

We spend so much effort avoiding feedback, and here I find myself in need of it!

Would anyone happen to know of a quick, easy (and ideally free) source for such a thing? Any help would be much appreciated.

Ali Jafri
July 4th, 2008, 07:55 PM
You don't really have to search for feedback, you can easily make you own! All you really need is a microphone, a speaker, and a way to record audio - usually the soundcard's mic input should suffice. Point the mic towards the speaker and voila, it'll squeal! Microphone feedback is somewhat less pleasing than guitar feedback, which can be manipulated to sound musical, the technique is the same though, point an overdriven guitar towards its amplifier and you'll get feedback. Of course, you can then process that sound later to add reverb or delay or any other effect you want :) hope useful :) ciao!

Kim Cascone
July 6th, 2008, 05:02 PM

search for 'feedback' and you will find other examples
hope this helps!

Frank Simpson
July 8th, 2008, 06:21 PM
Thanks Kim! Just what the doctor ordered!