View Full Version : GL3 - Any thoughts on this?

Graham Bernard
August 1st, 2003, 11:01 AM
Found this on the DMN forum under Canon:

"Hello all,

This past weekend I went to my local Frye's, 300 miles South in Dallas, and did some one-on-one work with the GL2 and the VX2000.

The sales guy said that the Frye's Canon rep talked about a GL3 coming out. After that conversation, I find out that Canon has a $250 rebate on the GL2. This along with the fact that the MiniDV market is steaming forward makes me think that Canon will be releasing the GL3 soon.

Does anyone have any news on a possible GL3? The current GL2 is a great camera with a great track record and would make a wonderful addition to my current 1-chip ZR50MC.

Any insight into a GL3 and the features it would bring would be greatly apprecaited as I'm now more confused about my possible camera purchase. "

I know we've come across something like this a month ago?

Weblink to DMN forum, then go "Change Forum" and select "Canon":


Frank Granovski
August 1st, 2003, 11:06 AM
Since Canon has a GL2 rebate, it is likely there will be a replacement out shortly. That's all we know. So perhaps hang tight for a couple of months to see what's up.

Joe Sacher
August 5th, 2003, 08:50 PM
Canon usually keeps models out for 3 years or so. The use of rebates does not mean that a new model is coming out. What it does mean is that the price of the GL-2 is dropping. Rebates allow retailers to get rid of the inventory which they paid the old price for, at the new price. On the date that the rebate is over, the sale price of a GL-2 should drop to the level it was using the rebate.

Ken Tanaka
August 5th, 2003, 09:53 PM
It also probably means that the GL2's retail channel has become constipated. Too many $2,000 toys chasing a shrinking number of buyers. Rebates are the laxative for the slow-moving retail intestine.

Jeff Farris
August 5th, 2003, 09:59 PM
Ken, that was one ugly metaphor.

Traffic jams, arterial plaque, kitchen sinks... you had so many other choices, but nooooo, you had to go with constipation. ;^)