View Full Version : Enhancing low light footage

Gints Klimanis
August 5th, 2003, 11:58 PM

I have some night footage taped with my VX-2000. There is some color, but mostly, it's just kinda yellowish, outside of the light blue pants of the subject.
Do any of you have any favorite recipes for enancing this footage ? If I increase the brightness, the video is light yellow and generally washed out. I've tried changing the overall hue to green or blue, but that doesn't work well.

Thanks for any tips.

Peter Moore
August 6th, 2003, 06:26 AM
Increase both the brightness and contrast, probably by about 20% each.

Then you also need to use a 3-wheel color corrector like that found in Vegas or Final Cut Pro. Then you can bring down the high-tones a bit to make them color-match more the rest of the shot. You'll have to do this with every shot, though. It's hard but you'll be able to get acceptable foottage as long as you have something there to start.