View Full Version : Editors Elbow and other ailments

Alastair Brown
September 16th, 2008, 02:57 PM
Anyone else suffer from this. I constantly lean on my elbow when editing and, after a long season, it's getting sore. Going to go on a foam hunt tomorrow to pad out the arms of my chair with.

I know Richard at FX has had mega problems with his back of late from long stints editing.

Anybody got any good hints for looking after No1?

Ideal solution would be a big 50" screen, lazy boy recliner with a tray or extension for a wireless keyoard and mouse, and a holder for a beer and some nibbles. Bliss!

Richard Wakefield
September 16th, 2008, 03:17 PM
hahahaha! well i should say that my bad back wasn't 100% from editing! It was triggered from long commuting in my previous full-time job, and that was as a result from buying a far-away house with my girlfriend...the things you do for love eh!

what you want to do ol' buddy ol' pal, is learn editing keyboard forces you to use two hands at all time, hence no elbow on the desk :)

i like your ideal solution, and another is to out-source all your editing then lay on a beach in the caribbean...

Allan Black
September 16th, 2008, 03:32 PM
Eye exercises. In '64 George Harrison told me to do this every so often while mixing. Head still, eyes hard right, slow count 2-3-4. Eyes hard left, slow count 2-3-4. Up..same, down...same.

Also a good talking point in the booth helping divert client attention from the rotten snare
sound or similar.


Danny O'Neill
September 17th, 2008, 01:18 AM
Costco, they do a fantastic leather chair with loads of foam, memory foam, padding, supports and all sorts. So amazing and comfortable and a great support for editing. IF your at a desk all day its a must.

Vince Lucena
September 17th, 2008, 03:46 AM
Same here, I was leaning on the aches were from Tennis elbow. I also spend around 8-12hrs in the bay. If you find a good source online for the foam etc, pls post a link.

Tim Harjo
September 18th, 2008, 11:54 PM
What if your desk was at standing height. Then you could just by a stool to sit on while you work. Nothing to lean on. Plus if you got tired of sitting, you could stand. I'm going to consider doing this when I renovate. Any thoughts on this? My desk is new... but that said, there is no reason that I can't raise it. Cinder blocks or something. Maybe a platform built from wood. I dunno. but I'll think of something.

Travis Cossel
September 19th, 2008, 12:36 AM
I saw an interview with a feature film editor who had a standing editing bay. My only problem with that would be that sitting on a stool makes my back hurt after a while since there is no lumbar support.