View Full Version : Premiere Pro 2.0, Canon 24F Timeline > Export to DVD?

Efrain Gomez
September 23rd, 2008, 04:30 PM
We've edited in Premiere Pro a music video in PP2's Canon 24F preset, and now we cannot export to DVD. We've tried an AVI, but no video, only audio.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get this timeline footage onto a DVD?

PC, Premiere 2.0, 24F preset timeline. We know we can't export to tape.

Jeremiah Rickert
September 25th, 2008, 04:30 AM
I shot a concert in 24F and was able to edit/export with Premiere without any difficulties. I even exported an .avi and used that in TMPG DVD Author 3.0. There has to be something in your settings. You didn't by chance "mute" the video track before you exported did you?

I'd also try exporting other formats like MPEG-2. When exporting to AVI, did you export as Microsoft DV AVI? Or did you try some kind of AVI compression such as Cinepak?

Probably not very helpful...I don't use PPro as much since I started liking Vegas :/