View Full Version : Hammer noise - ideas for reducing?

Kevin McRoberts
October 7th, 2008, 01:31 PM
I have a section of material shot at a construction site, and while the dialogue is clear, there's a constant hammer smacking throughout that gets a touch on the distracting side.

I'm using Soundtrack 2, and also have Audacity available. Removing it by trying to take a noise print has been ineffective, and the noise frequency is right in the voice range (1500-2500Hz) so a single-channel EQ kills the dialogue, too.

Any ideas on a ball-peen hammer for this situation?

Edward Phillips
October 7th, 2008, 01:41 PM
This may not be a viable option but at times when I have noisy backgrounds for interviews playing music during the segment really does seem to drown out the noises. A rythmic hammer pound may get mixed in with the drum beat of a soundtrack so it may be worth a shot.