View Full Version : Fujinon XS vs HS lens

Paul Cronin
November 5th, 2008, 08:33 AM
I know Greg Boston has said the HS is better glass by talking to a Fujinon rep. Has anyone compared the XS vs HS in similar focal lengths on a EX3?

David Issko
November 5th, 2008, 12:34 PM
my xs 17x lens works a real treat on my ex3. for me, there was no need to compare as it does all i require from it. it is probably going to be a fairly minor difference between the lenses, relating in an easy financial choice between the 2 if you had to purchase either one for the ex3. if you have the hs, then that is a different story. both lenses are hd broadcast and offer much better operational features and ergonomics than the standard lens as well.

the xs is great. the possible downside to the hs might be the weight, especially if it has the x2 extender.

best wishes

Paul Cronin
November 5th, 2008, 01:10 PM
Thanks David do you ever use the stock lens? Or is the 17x that much better quality?

Too bad you can not buy the camera with out a lens.

Greg Boston
November 5th, 2008, 01:25 PM
I know Greg Boston has said the HS is better glass by talking to a Fujinon rep. Has anyone compared the XS vs HS in similar focal lengths on a EX3?

Hi Paul,

It was explained to me that the HSs is hand picked glass and represents the best lenses amongst all the others coming off the line. The XS series might look as good as an HS but there's no guarantee. Best way to buy a lens is to put several on a res chart and pick the best one of the bunch. Several of the same model, that is. There will be variation between different units of the same model.


Paul Cronin
November 5th, 2008, 01:28 PM
Thanks Greg sounds like a smart way to buy a lens.

David Issko
November 5th, 2008, 09:57 PM
i only use my xs lens. The high quality of the XS lens is also measured in ergonomics and ease of use. For instance, the zoom rocker on the XS is further forward compared to the stock lens. This means that your left had can comfortably use the zoom rocker while your right hand pans & tilts the tripod for instance.

The XS (like all the big SD & HD lenses) has a 7 position variable zoom speed setting. Worth the extra that I paid from day 1. I could not be without it after being so used to it for many years. You get the very best zoom speed for the type of program you are shooting.

The instant zoom in/zoom back to where it was set is great for focus checking - optically, not via a 2x digital zoom. Lots more functionality from the XS lens.

As for quality, it is, after all an $8k - $10k lens, so yes it does have a high quality that is guaranteed. Not as high a quality as the more expensive HS lens but nonetheless it is a great lens for my camera.

Paul Cronin
November 6th, 2008, 05:07 AM
Thanks Dave