View Full Version : Showing vote count for each entry.

Mugurel Dragusin
November 24th, 2008, 06:39 AM
I believe it would be helpful overall to show the list of films and how many votes each got.

Would that be possible starting DVC14? :)

Lorinda Norton
November 24th, 2008, 10:51 AM
Aw, nice touch with the big sad kitty eyes, Mugurel.

But it doesn’t help your case… ;)

I’m concerned about the one who doesn’t want the count on the forum for the whole world to see. It may even keep someone from entering the challenge.

Didn’t Dylan once offer to email results to people who wanted to know? I might be game for that, so let’s see what he has to say. Although, the more I think about it, he may have only offered to send the tally on the person's own film--I can't remember. We'll see...

Mugurel Dragusin
November 25th, 2008, 09:15 AM
Entry #1 - 5 votes
Entry #2 - 3 votes
Entry #9 - 0 votes

I doubt that such list would harm any of the entries, if it does harm, mind explaining here why? (For some reason I can't figure out why would be a problem) :)

*It would be a problem to give names, clearly, but I only mean the vote count (numbers), anonymously, no names.

Andris Krastins
November 25th, 2008, 10:00 AM
Maybe because the author of your entry #9 might be discouraged from participating in the next DVC, or maybe those who make a film for the hell of it would not like to be publicly evaluated in such a detail.
And it would take the fun out of it. Besides voting for a film is such a subjective thing...

Just some thoughts.

Mugurel Dragusin
November 25th, 2008, 11:04 AM

Valid points, yet, if one can't stand losing, why they join in the first place. Let's be realistic, only 1 gets to win, and if a low vote count discourages the maker of an entry, perhaps he/she has no reason to be here in the first place. Why? Because this *IS* a competition, a damn fun one with great folks involved and the goal is to become better and better with each edition, isn't it?

For me it would be a very valuable piece of information to have the vote counts for each of my entries and the others (so that I can properly measure my progress overall). The same with the feedback, that personally, it helped me a lot since my first entry. As in any voting scheme, the results are known at the end (anonymously yes) and I find it normal in this case as well.

The idea of this whole challenge is to be a challenge and getting 0 votes means we've done something wrong and need to get better, not discouraged :)

Andris Krastins
November 25th, 2008, 11:12 AM
For me it would be a very valuable piece of information to have the vote counts for each of my entries and the others (so that I can properly measure my progress overall).
Progress is a relative concept and depends on the audience (judges) - subjective.
Any way, in this case I'm quite indifferent either way, so any way is ok for me. :)
For me the best thing is feedback - it explains, what I've screwed up, points don't.

Jeremy Doyle
November 25th, 2008, 11:49 AM
Progress is a relative concept and depends on the audience (judges) - subjective.

I don't mind making known which films I voted for known, but I would also want to explain each of my votes as it is very subjective.

Because this *IS* a competition, a damn fun one with great folks involved and the goal is to become better and better with each edition, isn't it?

It is, but I think the spirit of it is just to encourage people to get off the couch and make something. And in that spirit it would counter productive if revealing the votes would deter someone from making a film.

My personal preference... well it's not up to me.

Lorinda Norton
November 25th, 2008, 02:33 PM
What Jeremy said about the spirit of the DV Challenge is true. Sure, it’s a contest, but the big draw is that it gives people a safe place to practice their film-making skills. The newcomer can give it a shot knowing that his/her work will be accepted and appreciated; the more seasoned film maker can strive to make each one even better than the last.

This is surely the best contest around for anyone who ever even thought about making a film. That said, unless Dylan decides otherwise someday, I think we’ll be leaving it alone. Anyone who would like to know the particulars about the vote is welcome to send an email.

Regarding the competitive side of the challenge, we do have some business to attend to concerning the winner of DVC 14. Is anyone besides me getting anxious about that? :) I'm *impatiently* waiting for the word from our head judge…