View Full Version : Trouble with updating Mac Cineform

Todd Giglio
November 28th, 2008, 12:41 PM
I like what Cineform has to offer, but I am more than frustrated every time I have to update the codec (and now with Neo HD). Every update kills my authentication and will not allow me to reauthorize without going through the mess of emails and requests (and rejects my original authentication codes). The latest status after updating Cineform stated this: "This application was deactivated, possibly due to changes in the computer time and date. Contact the vendor to reactivate this application." even though nothing changed except the update to Cineform.

I've had this problem from day one and regardless of the method (uninstall-reinstall, etc.) I've had this problem. I really wanted to try ReMaster (a different set of problems) but now my original Cineform Codec is unauthorized.

I know piracy is a huge problem and I understand the steps necessary to protect oneself, but given the large number of updates Cineform offers (which is great) this issue has to be addressed (going through the entire authenticator issue and requesting support every time I try to update is not only annoying but is non-productive as well). And I also get green watermark lines in the footage even though there is supposed to be a 15 day trial period. This time I didn't uninstall my Mac Codec (which was properly authorized) just to see if the update would recognize my legit copy of Cineform.

Secondly, the ReMaster issues I'm having is when trying to resample my DVCPro HD 1280x720 footage to 1920x1080. No matter what I select, the image ends up being 1920x668 or 1920x810 etc. I've tried Square pixels, 16:9, 4:3, Match Input, Center Crop, and Letterbox (Letterbox was the only option that outputted true 1920x1080 but that was because of the letterbox; the image inside was still wrong). I know I can process with ReMaster then resize in Quicktime Pro but this is quite a few steps to take to get a true 1920x1080 image (and I'm not really sure what is happening to the footage during the conversions). I know the Spatial Resampling is a new feature and I hope this gets straightened out in a newer update (and I hope I don't have to go through the all hoops to get Cineform to accept my license codes).

Sorry to rant, but as much as I like Cineform, the authentication process has to be easier for those who already purchased the product.


David Newman
November 28th, 2008, 12:58 PM
Sorry, you've had some bad luck I think. Authentication shouldn't be changing between installs, work with support on that, because that is not happening under normal user upgrades.

The DVCPRO-HD upscale sounds like a bug. Re-Master is likely confused as 720p DVCPRO internally stored as 960x720, not 1280x720.

Todd Giglio
November 28th, 2008, 01:09 PM
Glad (I guess) that it's just me with the updating problems. I will contact support and hope to get this straightened out.

I think you are right about the bug and I think Cineform is seeing it incorrectly. Strange that the image resizing in ReMaster does show resizing to 1920x1080 (and does resize horizontally to 1920 but the vertical resizing is all off).

Thanks David for getting back to me so quickly.


Brian Parker
December 2nd, 2008, 11:27 AM
I am seeing this too. I submitted a support ticket for it the first time it happened, and now I have just updated again and it has happened again.

Brian Parker
December 2nd, 2008, 11:36 AM
The key seems to be in uninstalling it before you install the upgrade. If you dont, then when authenticator loses your license, it wont accept your response code no matter what.

If you uninstall first, then when you upgrade, even if it says your license has expired when you run authenticator, your response code should work when you put it in again.

Todd Giglio
December 2nd, 2008, 11:50 PM
I've uninstalled and nothing. I just was emailed a new response and the license was accepted. But now Final Cut Pro crashes as soon as I try to export with the Cineform codec (hitting the Advanced button gives me the spinning ball, then crashes; tried numerous times and the same result).

Also ReMaster will not open any files (I can select them as if they would open, but nothing happens; the clips do not show up).



Todd Giglio
December 3rd, 2008, 12:26 AM
Just downloaded the latest build (12-2) and ReMaster is showing clips but I'm still having trouble converting (especially with image resizing; DVCPro HD clips end up with the wrong aspect ratio 1920x810). FInal Cut Pro still crashes when trying to export. I wish I had the old Cineform codec... (I haven't had any luck with the NeoHD version).


Todd Giglio
December 3rd, 2008, 12:29 AM
Quicktime Pro crashes as well (when trying to export as a Cineform file).

Todd Giglio
December 3rd, 2008, 12:45 AM
I just downloaded CFHDCodec (from the Sept. build) and hopefully this will get me back to where I started...


Todd Giglio
December 3rd, 2008, 08:13 AM
Well, the CFHDCodec (by itself) works again. There are definitely problems with the latest NeoHD Mac build (hangs and crashes). For now I'll stick with just the encoder and wait to see what develops with NeoHD.

If anyone else has had success with NeoHD, please let me know (I'm really curious as to how ReMaster can aid in image resizing).


David Taylor
December 3rd, 2008, 03:38 PM
Todd, we aren't hearing many reports of problems with Neo HD/4K for Mac. I don't discount that you have a problem, but it's probably a unique problem, so please work with support. It's best to file a ticket if you haven't already.

Craig Davidson
December 3rd, 2008, 11:05 PM
Todd, It sounds like you have a mismatch of some of the libraries. Functions have been added to the support libraries, and your description of how everything crashes is normally caused by the application - QT for instance - trying to call a non-existent function. Depending on the vintage of your previous version, the uninstall may or may not properly remove all the libraries. Before you install the update, run the uninstall script. You may need to manually remove some of the files. Make sure the /Library/Application Support/CineForm is removed. If you have a /Library/CineForm folder, remove that as well.

Try installing again. If it still crashes, look in the ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter folder (in your user library) for the log file that was generated when the application crashed and send that file to support.

David was right about the size change problem you had. The file is encoded as 960x720, but QuickTime reports the display size which is 1280x720. The spatial resampling takes into account the different pixel aspect ratios of the source and destination when resizing. Although QuickTime reported the file as 1280x720 which would have square pixels, it reports 4:3 pixel aspect ratio (1.333). 1080 * (3/4) is 810.

Todd Giglio
December 3rd, 2008, 11:26 PM
Thanks Guys,

I will try filing a ticket with support, but first I will try Craig's suggestions (I had removed via uninstall, but I will try again and make sure all files are removed.

Craig, is there a work around with the DVCPro HD files? Can I manually select a size and have it properly encode to 1920x1080? Just curious.

Also, will spatial resampling help in uprezzing the footage?

Thanks again.


Craig Davidson
December 4th, 2008, 12:47 PM
I could not figure out a work-around for the DVCPro HD files with your version. The modules that changed for the fix are plug-ins, and total about 120K.

I converted from the DVCPro HD 1280(960)x720 to 1920x1080 and it does a good job.

Todd Giglio
December 5th, 2008, 08:42 AM
Hey Craig,

What plugins? And did you say they cost about 120g's? Wow.

I know Cineform is also aware of the way the DVCPro HD images are handled and read by Quicktime so I'm sure they will figure out a work around. They are really good with constant updates (though my system has caused problems with updating).

Again, I'm not sure if there is an advantage to resampling the image anyway.


Craig Davidson
December 5th, 2008, 12:05 PM
I wish we could get $120g for the Plug-Ins. No, they are about 120KBytes of download, and they are useless unless you have the rest of the package, so I could send them to you. We should have an update that fixes that problem in the next couple of days.

Todd Giglio
December 6th, 2008, 04:30 PM
LOL, I thought I read that wrong! :)

I will be updating to the newest version and see what happens (I'm still having problems with the updates...).

I will look for the newest updates and give them a shot.

