View Full Version : Help Canon GL1 "REMOVE THE CASSETTE" problem

David Harrison
February 1st, 2009, 02:31 PM
I have a Canon GL1, and the way it appears is that I can put in a
tape and record on it once, but when I try to record on it again
later I keep getting the message "REMOVE THE CASSETTE". It does
the same thing when I try to play the tape. Most of the cassettes
I don't see anything wrong with, but a couple of them had some tape
hanging out of them. Is anyone familiar with this sort of problem?


Chris Hurd
February 1st, 2009, 10:45 PM
Hi David, the camera must be serviced by an authorized Canon video repair facility.

Michelle Genrich
February 13th, 2009, 08:24 PM
One of our GL2s is "quirky" and occasionally does the same thing. When we tilt the camera the wrong way (usually back), it does the same thing with the "REMOVE THE CASSETTE". Oddly...and very strange indeed, when we put the tape in without the camera on a tilt, it works just fine.

For us it's like the old days when you had to stomp on the floor in the right place to get the TV reception in.

The servicing would probably be the best answer, unless you don't mind pampering your tempermental camera until it relents.