View Full Version : How to Export for Multimedia Drive

John Ashplant
March 9th, 2009, 04:16 PM

I've just exported two movies to my brand new Iomega Screenplay HD Multimedia Player; as follows:-

PAL HDV and PAL DV, both exported ("make move") as AVIs using the default settings. When I come to playback on a TV from the multimedia player I get the error "CODEC NOT SUPPORTED".

I would welcome any ideas on how I should go about viewing movies from Sony Vegas Platinum 9 for best results.

Many thanks.

Jason Robinson
March 10th, 2009, 12:02 AM
AVI can be a lot of different things. Divx, Xvid, DV, etc can all be .avi files.

What format can the player support? Find the avi container format for that format. OR consider output as MPEG2?

John Ashplant
March 10th, 2009, 12:16 AM

I've now found the list of Codecs supported by this machine. What would be the best for HDV to be watched on a "Full HD" TV and how do I do it from Vegas Platinum 9, please? Codecs and all that are a total mystery to me.*osj&p_accessibility=&p_redirect=&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9NzIsNzImcF9wcm9kcz05OTEsMTAyNyZwX2NhdHM 9NTAmcF9wdj0yLjEwMjcmcF9jdj0xLjUwJnBfc2VhcmNoX3R5cGU9YW5zd2Vycy5zZWFyY2hfbmwmcF9zY2ZfOT0mcF9wYWdlPTE mcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1XaGF0IHR5cGVzIG9mIG11bHRpbWVkaWEgZmlsZXMgYW5kIEFWIGNvbm5lY3Rpb25zIGFyZSBzdXBwb3J 0ZWQgd2l0aCB0aGUgSW9tZWdhwq4gU2NyZWVuUGxheSBIRCBNdWx0aW1lZGlhIFBsYXllcj8*&p_li=&p_topview=1

Thank you.

John Ashplant
March 10th, 2009, 12:54 PM

I've just exported two movies to my brand new Iomega Screenplay HD Multimedia Player; as follows:-

PAL HDV and PAL DV, both exported ("make movie") as AVIs using the default settings. When I come to playback on a TV from the multimedia player I get the error "CODEC NOT SUPPORTED".

I would welcome any ideas on how I should go about viewing movies from Sony Vegas Platinum 9 for best results.

Many thanks.

I've tried everything I can come up with, including conversion to DivX, mpeg4, mpeg2, 8mm cine (only joking) but the blessed thing won't play anything. All I've managed to get it to reproduce on the TV screen is "CODEC not supported".

Although it says "HD" on the box, that refers to the HDMI connection, not to anything it will play, I think. Indeed, DivX HD is specifically excluded in the list of Codecs supported. Not that I could get it to play DivX regular strength, anyway.

So I've put it back in its box ready to be returned tomorrow for a full refund. I want nothing more to do with Iomega, ever!

So can anyone recommend a good multimedia player, please, that will play some HD video, as rendered by Sony Vegas (Platinum Pro 9 is what I have).

Otherwise, I'll save my money and go back to saving out to tape and playing from my Canon HV30 (I really wanted to save it from that chore). We're about to invest in a Full HD Plasma TV (Panasonic). So I want to see some stunning HD TV from my own camcorder!

Steve Renouf
March 12th, 2009, 01:15 PM
So can anyone recommend a good multimedia player, please, that will play some HD video, as rendered by Sony Vegas (Platinum Pro 9 is what I have).

This looks like a promising candidate:

LaCie - LaCinema Rugged (

They have a couple of other models too. I don't have any of these particular ones myself but I use other LaCie drives and have found them to be reasonably good for the money. For critical capture and rendering work though, I use G-Tech drives.

Chris Swanberg
March 12th, 2009, 01:45 PM
What you are desceribing is similar in other machines, like the Western Digital. For HD I use the MPEG4 codec and it works just fine.

John Ashplant
March 13th, 2009, 05:52 AM
Thanks for the advice, Steve & Chris.

What you are describing is similar in other machines, like the Western Digital. For HD I use the MPEG4 codec and it works just fine.

I like the look of the Western Digital. When you export HD to MPEG4, I assume this is from Sony Vegas? Any particular settings?

John Ashplant
March 14th, 2009, 12:27 PM
OK. I've bought the Western Digital TV Media player and like it, AND go it to work with HD MPEG2 files (as exported from Sony Vegas Platinum 9). Am I right in thinking MPEG4 would be a better format? I've tried but can't get the WD TV to play mpeg4 files exported from Vegas ("SONY" HD settings). I even tried renaming the file to .MP4 without success (this worked with the MPEG2 files by renaming to .MPG).

Also, I can't find a satisfactroy file format for DV files. (All my stuff is PAL 16:9 either DV or HDV) as there don't seem to be any DV 16:9 presets for this within Sony Vegas (MP4 or MP2) - only "video only" settings.

This is a minefield for me and I am about to explode!

Thanks for any help forthcoming!!