View Full Version : 16:9 adapter & tele lens??

Steve Nunez
September 30th, 2003, 03:48 PM
Could a 2X tele lens be threaded onto a DVX or DVC then a 16:9 lens netting zoomed video at 16:9, or would stacking in this way not work?

I'm just about ready to get a PDX10 because of it's native 16:9 shooting, but if a DVC80 could be made to work as outlined above, we'd have a 16:9 (optical- not digital) image which can be perhaps zoomed.........would this work????

(I was thinking about the Century 16:9 lens- or whatever would be compatible)

OOOps, sorry guys wrong forum..I will post this in the DVX forum
(Chris please feel free to delete this post- sorry for the mixup)

Frank Granovski
September 30th, 2003, 04:30 PM
Don't even consider this. 1 adaptor per cam. You won't need a 16:9 adaptor with the PDX10, PV-DV953 and GS100. They already have good 16:9!

John Uchida
October 10th, 2003, 01:26 AM
But an anamorphic lens and 16:9 camera = ~2.35:1 super widescreen with great resolution. Cinerama anybody?

Steve Nunez
October 10th, 2003, 07:45 AM
Hey yeah----

Frank, what would happen if you attached a 16:9 adaptor to the PDX10, PV-DV953 and GS100??? Would you get ultrawide video or would it distort the video horizontally? What would happen??

Frank Granovski
October 10th, 2003, 01:57 PM
You mean attach a wide and a 16:9 adaptor at the same time or just a 16:9 adaptor? I wouldn't do either. What would happen? With both on at the same time, the video wouldn't look like video, with only the 16:9 adator, and operating in 4:3 mode, you'll get no zoom through 16:9 which will require more light of course.

Der Schnurrbart meiner Katze ist schwarz, nicht weiss; und wenn ich sie strechle, schnurrt sie.

John Jay
October 24th, 2003, 01:40 PM
if you attch a 16:9 adapter to the pdx10 ( in 16:9 mode) you get 16/9 * 4/3 = 2.37 :1 cinemascope and reduce your zoom to a 10x

if you attch a 0.5 WA to the pdx10 ( in 16:9 mode) you get superwidescreen 16:9

if you attch a hemispheric lens to the pdx10 ( in 16:9 mode) you can see your ears in the shot :)