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Andreas Fernbrant
November 30th, 2003, 09:49 AM
For anybody that have worked or collaborated with "REAL" actors.

What are the dead giveaways that your "actor" can't really act?

I'm in the process of finding one male actor and when I get several to choose from I want to be able to pick the right one right of the bat. To make my choosing process more easy, I want to know the basic giveaways for a bad/inexperienced actor.

Anyone ever thought about this? There should be ways one could easy dissmiss the ones that wont cut it when it comes down to real acting.

And I'm not talking about the really really obvious bad actors here. So lets go abit deeper. When the obvious "bad actors" are out of the scene and you have a few potantial ones left. How can I try them out to find the one I'm looking for? I know I can have them reading lines from the movie. But I want to be more creative and really find out what the person is like.

Anyone with suggestions?

Marco Leavitt
November 30th, 2003, 10:59 AM
I find it really difficult to predict the performance your going to get from an actor. Your instincts often turn out wrong. It's almost like you should go against your instincts. A more predictable (and arguably more important factor) is how professionally is this person going to behave on the set. You should steer clear of people who have trouble remembering their lines, are ever late, ask too many questions about their character (note I say TOO MANY), are fatally insecure, argue with other people, complain and so on. The best thing to do is have a staple of actors you work with over and over. I would talk to the directors of other shows they worked on, if you're considering someone new.

Mike Rehmus
November 30th, 2003, 01:25 PM

Get references. If they aren't fun to have on the set, it will be a very long production.

Remember that you are looking for actors that can act for television which is a massive change from acting on stage.

I am one-half of a team that teaches students how to act for television at a local community college. These are students that may have been enrolled for a year, acted for years (not all are just 20 years old) and may be part of a more in-depth Actor Training Program, external to the college.

They still surprise me. I find that their rep in the industry is the surest way to tell if I can and want to work with them.

Once you get past that, a 'real' actor is a joy to work with. You can tell them that on a scale of 0-10, their intensity was a 7 and you want an 8.5 and they respond! They listen to direction and 'act' on it.

BTW, if you don't have your Director's chops, you may not get what you want out even from very good actors. It pays to work under with an established Director if you are at all unsure of your self. I regularly hire the other half of my teaching team to Direct my productions. He is an experienced stage and screen actor and has about 30 years of Directing experience. He gets more out of actors in 5 minutes than I could in 5 days.

Read Michael Caine's book on Acting for Film. Watch the BBC recording of him as he teaches Acting for Film in the UK. Wow.

Ken Tanaka
November 30th, 2003, 01:44 PM
I second Marco's remarks. This summer I had my first exposure to "real" actors, having auditioned nearly 80 actors for four parts. It was enlightening in some ways. To be brief, as a former boss of mine once remarked, the best "ability" that someone can have is "reliability". No endeavor is more reliant on this quality than no/low budget movie making. You may simply have no leverage over your actors so it's vital that they commit to your project, show up on time and plow distractions out of their view while working.

In terms of judging acting ability, I strongly advocate auditioning with a 2-3min section of your actual script. Auditioning is a very stressful activity so it's important that you make every effort to make actors feel comfortable to get their best performance. I also advocate "cold" auditions for most parts. That is, the actor does not see their "side" (script) until they show-up for the audition, perhaps 30 minutes before they are scheduled to audition. Why "cold"? Because scripts can change during production. It's important to see how the actor can adapt to an unfamiliar part.

Beyond that, what I learned was that the challenge of "directing" actors is nearly identical to that of managing staffs in a business environment. That is, treat people with respect, realize that each is an individual with unique needs, and lead through thoughtful guidance not edict. The most experienced actors will generally need little guidance once they get the idea of what you're trying to accomplish. The less experienced may need guidance on every scene. Whenever possible, make a opportunities for the seniors to get together with the juniors (away from your presence). Both
will gain from the experience. I discovered that several of my actors were meeting for impromptu rehearsals and read-throughs. They also developed some long-term friendships as a result of the project. To me, that's what it's all about on no/low budget projects.

One last comment: The most frequent complaint I heard from actors was that no/low budget producers / directors tend to be disorganized, immature kids with video cameras. Break that image. Do your homework and be more than ready for each day's work. In short: be extremely professional in your duties. If -you- know what you want to accomplish you'll be able to get the most from your actors' performances.

Good luck!

Rob Belics
November 30th, 2003, 01:53 PM
It's difficult to tell. That's why in some films somebody was "miscast" or just does a bad job with the role.

Readings are OK but some actors are terrible readers but great when the camera's rolling. Others read great but can't perform when it counts.

This is why it's better to see their previous work, if possible. You now how Pacino and DeNiro work on screen. But an interview is always good to make sure you can maintain chemistry with this person or you just despise him and it's personal.

My son is a professional actor. He said, "Does the actor have "IT"?" "IT" isn't necessarily presence but believability. Some have it. Some don't but have potential. Others don't have it and never will.

Affleck has potential but it doesn't always work. Madonna doesn't have it.

I once helped an actress go over her lines. I never met her before and was just dropping off my son's headshot. She handed me her copy of the sides. As I glanced at them she started talking to me about her "real" job. I carried on the friendly conversation for a few seconds before I realized she was reading her lines. She was so natural that I didn't realize it.

Has your actors had any training? Are they training with someone now, or at least looking for someone? I don't feel high school drama classes count. Even DeNiro takes classes.

Really bad actors don't use their real voice. When the script calls for arguing their voice goes up an octave. Every sentence ends on a rising pitch. Or everybody sounds the same.

For readings, give the actors sides at least five minutes ahead of time. Give them a chance to make their choices. They shouldn't need more than a brief description of the character if they ask at all. You could describe the character with the sides.

Shawn Mielke
November 30th, 2003, 02:28 PM
Great thread, guys. Thanks.

Helen Bach
November 30th, 2003, 03:33 PM
There seem to be many different notions about what makes a good actor and what makes a bad actor. I often find myself at variance with the majority opinion.

The thing that helped me the most with my relationships with actors, and with spotting the people with whom I would like to work, was going to acting classes and also acting in film. Trying a few short classes at first to sample the different approaches, then concentrating on those that I felt most in tune with. Not only do you learn a lot yourself, but you also get the opportunity to work with a wide range of actors and to see how you are affected by directors.


Ken Tanaka
November 30th, 2003, 04:16 PM
Excellent advice, Helen. I'll bet immersion in an actor's world would, indeed, be very illuminating. So often, particularly at a forum such as this, we see producers and directors with basically a stuff-centric perspective. That is, they are actually most interested in using (and having an excuse to buy) stuff such as the latest camera, lights, mics, etc.. Scripts and actors are basically just a conduit towards achieving that goal.

Reversing that perspective, such that the stuff is nothing more than a conduit towards the goal of a performance venue, would be a very valuable experience for many such folks.

The only caveat I might add is to try to separate your emotional reactions (like / dislike) from your objective evaluation of an actor's ability to fill a role. That's where your professionalism comes into the picture. An actor may be reliable, committed to your project, and very effective in a role. If, however, you just don't like his/her demeanor you may need to just set those feelings aside for the sake of the project.

Mike Rehmus
November 30th, 2003, 08:51 PM
My teaching partner has a bootleg copy of the auditions for the FBI local agent in charge for the first Rush Hour movie.

Of the six, two nailed it (I thought) two were OK and 2 were not. But they were all very very good actors with many significant Hollywood roles to their credit.

The guy who got the job didn't, BTW, play the agent. He played some other character. He was one of the guys who nailed it.

I think the best long-term film schools do indeed require folks to be on both sides of the camera.

John Locke
November 30th, 2003, 09:12 PM
Has anyone ever noticed the consistent acting style in films by David Lynch? I've always wondered how he manages to control that so well, given the variety and range of actors he's used.

When you watch a film and see great performances, there's always the the actor bringing this character to life on his own, with just a bit of influence from the director? Or is the director actively guiding the actor to finding the character?

Definitely the latter in Lynch's case...I just wonder how does he does it so universally?

Barry Gribble
November 30th, 2003, 09:32 PM
I personally think that it is a good idea to give the actors the script ahead of time to prepare some (SAG requires it actually - not that you are using SAG actors, but if they think it is a good idea then I tend to agree). It is fine to give them a new scene also and see how they do on less prep.

I think one of the best ways to see how good an actor will be for your role (not neccesarily how good they are in general) is to ask them to improv on the role a bit, either with another actor, alone or with you. You don't want to push them too hard on this and make them come up with a story, just put them in a simple scenario and see how they are - e.g. you are a bank teller or a shoe salesman interacting with them. See how well they are able to inhabit the character. See if you believe them.

Note that the improv based on a character they have had time to develop in their minds is different than giving someone a new script. But you learn something either way.

I feel that bad acting sinks more low-budget films than anything else, so I think it is worth considerable effort to find the right people.

I second the notion on getting directing help if you need it, and to that end I very strongly reccomend the book Directing Actors : Creating Memorable Performances for Film & Television by Judith Weston. It has helped me a great deal in understanding and working with actors.

The most important thing is to trust your gut. It will be right.

Good luck!

Book Link:

Aaron Koolen
November 30th, 2003, 10:00 PM
I think Mike brings up an important point. Actors can be really good, but just might not be able to hit what you're after. It's not their fault necessarily. Maybe they just don't look like what you want, their nuances aren't right for what you want, or they just can't do Shakespeare ;). Doesn't make them bad, just not good for that role.

Almost all the people I worked with on our no budget LadyX episode are acting colleagues of mine who I spent 2 years in acting classes with. I'd seen them work and do some really amazing stuff. I knew they could "act" and we used them, but we ended up casting one of the actors wrong....Well we cast right the first time but the guy we wanted was on holiday so couldn't do it. This bad casting (And very inexperienced directing of mine, of course) meant that what I wanted to get across about his character didn't end up happening. 2 weeks later I watched him work in a scene group I'm in and he blew me away.

John, do you think David Lynch does all the work to get that feel, or would the script and preconceptions of actors about his movies make it more naturally tend to that stylel? I haven't seen many of his movies to know to what extent they are similar, so I'm not commenting, just querying.


December 1st, 2003, 12:45 AM
David O. Selznick director of “Gone with the wind” could not find his Scarlett O'Hara until the burning of Atlanta scene. There on the set he saw her not for the first time as she had read for the part yet under the burning fire he saw an inner beauty the rest is history.

What does this say for an actor or actress a lot, finding one is hard enough for a no budget/low budget film let alone for a major film like GWTW. There is no cookie cutter way to finding one and if there was would someone tell you. Look at their past work, go to one of their shows if they do stage, or watch for others when you are on someone else’s shoot.

Rob Belics
December 1st, 2003, 10:14 AM
Actors are tools for the director. The director tries to pick the best tool for the job. But the tool can only do so many things. The director can guide it and make it do things it's not designed for. But chopping down a tree with a butter knife is difficult while a chainsaw is made for the role.

You hear at times of actors congratulated by others for their "choices". Their choices are how they define the role. People on "Pirates of the Caribbean" were concerned about Johnny Depp's choice of how the character should be played but the director went with it and it worked. If it didn't work, that would be Depp's fault, although someone could have said no and allowed Depp to change or be fired. (Hollywood BS, unions, contracts, etc. It isn't always about art.)

Michael Gibbons
December 1st, 2003, 10:32 AM
Last summer, I shot my first project. I had a cast of four. Three of the actors had never acted before, and one was a twenty year vetern with network sitcom, independent film and hollywood experiance.

The project was a 12 minute short, off-beat comedy.

We had a ton of problems, bad lighteing, worse sound, but this was to be expected- the project was designed with failure in mind. I have done plenty of writing in my time, plenty of drawing. I have a long history of thinking in visual terms about story. But I had never made a movie. I had no idea what I needed to do and what I should ignore. I wanted to make a little movie and see where I most needed to concentrate my future efforts.
Hoo boy...

The acting/actors were by far the biggest headache- well, aside from my "DP", anyway.

The vetren was late by about forty minutes- therebye making it impossible to shoot his first scene in the original location ( The Pearl St mall in Boulder Co, it was way too busy by the time he showed and we had to find a more out of the way location) He did not know his lines. But worst of all, he did not understand the story, or the jokes. His delivery was awful. He seemed far more interested in socializing with the cast and crew than anything else.

The newbies all did really well for me. They all knew their lines. They took direction very well. And they didn't drag the set down with an endless lecture on Shadow Government/ UFO's (As did the vet). One of these guys did so well in fact, that I'm building my first feature around him.

At this point I think a long, private talk with each major cast member is important. Make sure that they understand what you are trying to do. If you have to spend a lot of time explaining the story, and it is still lost on the actor, then maybe your script is flawed- or maybe you need a different actor.

Don't fall into the same trap I did. All the experiance in the world is not going to help if the actor does not take you or your project seriously. There are things you can do about this: be careful about the way you present yourself and the project... ect, but it is really up to the individual actor. I'm not sure what I want, but I do know that what I don't want is someone who feels like they are doing me a favor. For many, if not most people, acting in a movie, even a small independent one, is an unobtainable dream. You can tap into this and find actors who are really excited to be involved. One of the cast for my short got so into that he appointed himself chief stage hand and did 90% of the grunt work without even being asked! Look for that guy, he's out there and worth his weight in CCD's.

Happy hunting,

John Locke
December 1st, 2003, 10:44 AM

IMHO...the style of dialogue delivery in Lynch's films is unique, and carries through from film to film, actor to actor. I think that shows his definite stamp. I'd just like to see him going through the motions of making a film to see how he does it.

Marco Leavitt
December 1st, 2003, 10:53 AM
"I'm not sure what I want, but I do know that what I don't want is someone who feels like they are doing me a favor."

This is spot on. We've had more problems with people with "years" of experience than anyone else. There's a reason a lot of those people aren't in SAG yet. My ultimate goal is to build to the point where we can hire union actors. Unions can be a pain the butt, but it would be great to work with real pros.

Paul Tauger
December 1st, 2003, 11:38 AM
I'm posting from the perspective of having been a "real" actor for close to 20 years, a member of SAG and AFTRA, having appeared in a number of television shows and MOWs, having taught acting professionally, and having an MFA (and PhD ABD) in acting and directing. I've also directed and cast a considerable amount of stage (but no video or film).

There are two things a professional actor must have: craft and talent. Believe it or not, talent is secondary. Craft means that the actor will know how to hit a mark, take direction, show up on time knowing their lines, work to camera, work with other actors, not be a pain in the @$$ on the set, do the scene in one take, not be a prima dona, etc. Any actor who has mastered their craft will turn in a competent performance with a minimum of fuss. Talent, on the other hand, is an amorphous and intangible quality that separates a brilliant performance from a competent one. I always had craft, but I don't think I was particularly talented, which is why I quite the business and became a lawyer (where I still act, but for much smaller audiences). And, from a production standpoint, I'll always take an actor with lots of craft and mediocre talent over one with lots of raw talent, but no craft at all.

Craft is something that can be taught, and fairly easily. Talent can be developed and nurtured, but it is a much more difficult process.

At a minimum, you want to cast an actor who has sufficient craft. Look for professional training with a good acting teacher. Almost no universities or other academic settings provide professional-quality training -- Julliard, and, perhaps, Northwestern are two exceptions that come to mind.

SAG membership (but not AFTRA) usually (but not always) indicates that at least one other producer paid the actor for work. Unless things have changed since I last worked, AFTRA, unlike SAG, was an open union/guild, i.e. anyone could join by simply paying the initiation fee.

AEA (Actors Equity) is the stage union. Note that stage-trained actors _may_ not necessarily be a good choice for film and/or video work. It requires different skills to be able pull together a coherent performance in little bits and pieces, as required for video and film.

At the audition, watch how the actor works with sides (the section of audition script). Do they ask intelligent questions? Are they text bound, or can they get off of the page? Do they actually _listen_ to whomever they're reading against? (You should have a casting director/assistant/someone who can read to read with them.)

Check their resume and head-shot. Do they look professional? BTW, assume at least half the credits are lies or exaggerations.

All of this goes to craft. As for talent, again, training is important, but only professional training counts. Talk to the actor about their process. The best actors have a very specific way of approaching the role and, again, process is something that can be taught. There's not enough room here to describe the various processes in detail. In summary, though, I have a personal bias against pure-method actors; method is a technique for creating an emotional reality, but it takes more than that to produce an interesting performance. The performance of actors trained only in "classic" Stanislavky method appear to me to be self-indulgent, their work looks like emotional masturbation. The better actors use method techniques, but also use actions and through-lines (at the most deconstructioned level , acting is "getting what you want from other people," not simply "feeling."). Look for people trained with Sanford Meisner (Neighborhood Playhouse), Uta Hagen (HB), the late Roy London (my favorite acting teacher -- Gary Schandling has a separate credit thanking Roy on the Gary Schnadling Show), or others who teach in these schools.

At the audition, choose material that is emotionally and situationally ambiguous -- see if the actor is capable of making intelligent and interesting choices. Let the actor read once, as they prepared. Then vary the reading -- give them a different context, relationship, back-story, etc., and let them read the same material again. See if they are flexible enough to work with the changes. The biggest "test" for me, both as actor and director, was whether a "hot" moment could be created out of the material -- text means nothing, since everything is about emotional reality AND action. When I taught acting, I used to give my beginning students "nothing" scenes -- these were scenes that offered no clue as to character or context. The scenes only came to life when the actor made a choice about what they wanted from the other character, what made their stakes high, etc. A good actor with these skills can make a reading from the phone book interesting.

Okay, I'm jet-lagged and tired, otherwise I'd keep writing about acting. ;)

Marco Leavitt
December 1st, 2003, 12:19 PM
Another thing to keep in mind, is it's a good idea to have backups for all your lead actors. Pick one or two of the most promising actors you had to pass on, and ask them if they would be interested in taking over if a position opens up. You might even give them a script, and assure them they will at least get some screen time as a prominent extra. If you do have to can somebody, you can slide one of your backups right in. Believe me, it keeps the other jokers on their toes. If you do have to make a move like this, do it early, and never fire somebody in front of the other actors or crew.

K. Forman
December 1st, 2003, 05:11 PM
Wow Paul! Even jet lagged, you said a mouthful! I only wish you could be my neighbor. With the years of experience you have, on screen, off screen, and in the courtroom, you sir, are a valuable resource! And I even remember you in the Twilite Zone... You were the guy on the phone. And you said your weren't memorable!

Ken Tanaka
December 1st, 2003, 05:20 PM
Paul's one of the few people on the planet who could set a camera and lighting up properly, hop in front of the lens to perform, and then defend his performance production in court with equal aplomb!

Chris Mueller
December 1st, 2003, 07:00 PM
Paul: I agree that stage actors aren't usually the best film actors. I have performed in several stage dramas/musicals with numerous compliments, alongside other actors who are similarly praised. In my limited experience with working with them in film/video (assisting my friend, who was directing a feature on DV), however, these award-nominated stage actors seem to have a little trouble controlling their energy. Stage acting allows enormous amounts of (controlled) energy, but on film, even a little too much can ruin a shot.

Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to act in many shorts or movies, but from what I have seen, I seem to have an equally hard time creating a believable character on film as did my co-actors from stage.

Mike Rehmus
December 1st, 2003, 07:18 PM
Friend of mine just called up to complain that he had assembled a crew, cast, equipment and was all ready to yell, "Action." when the lead actress ran off the set yelling, "I can't do this!"

Too bad he didn't have an understudy.

Oh, and several other major characters have committments that will not allow them to continue past the first of the year.

Anybody know of a hot late-teens, early-twenties Northern California actress that wants to step in? I don't know what the script is but at the beginning, the young lady is Caucasian and then becomes African-American.

I'm going to paste this in Helping Hands.

Wayne Orr
December 1st, 2003, 07:55 PM
I would just like to take a moment to bring this discussion back to the new director's responsibility in all of this. Besides having done some directing, I have also had the opportunity to work with a few first time directors, and I have been struck by the total lack of understanding some have of what acting is all about. And to further muck things up, they don't know the language of acting. They tend, for the most part, to be what are often called "result oriented" directors. That is, they try to prod the actor into giving the result they think they want to see.

In one situation, we were doing a fantasy scene that was very "Cinderella," where a girl comes into a party and sees "the prince," and the director told the actress (who was a celebrity ice skater, not an actress) that she sees the prince and immeadiately "falls in love" with him. "I want to see love in your eyes," he told the poor girl, who obviously had no idea what to do. Take two: "More love, give me more love!" he exhorted her. This is quite typical.

Another example would be: "You're mad, really pissed off at him. I want to see anger, show me how mad you can get!" So, the actor proceeds to smash the set. No take two. In both of these situations, the director is attempting to get a result from the actor, rather than giving the actor something to do in the scene, to arrive at what he is looking for. So, the poor actor just vamps something that he hopes will please the director.

Actors need to have things to do, so they strive to make the intelligent choices that Paul mentioned. I doubt that most first time directors have any idea what he means by "choices." And to make correct choices, you have to be able to analyze a scene and discover what it is about. If an actor has a different conception of what the scene is about than you do as the director, you most likely will not like his interpretation of the scene. But, if you can guide him to make choices that will lead him to where you want him to be, you may be pleasantly surprised to find he is just what you were looking for.

There is just so much more to all this, that we have not even scratched the surface. The point is, if you want actors to treat you with respect as a director, you had best damn well earn it by preparing to work with them as equals. And that means learn what actors do, and how they go about it. They will understand that you are new to this, and they will work with you. But they will do a better job if you have prepared.

I second Barry's recommendation to get Judith Weston's book, "Directing Actors." And then start working with actors before you begin to shoot your first film. Hell, you wouldn't walk onto the set without a script, would you? Or without having had long discussions with your DP? Why do you think you can just walk on a set and say, "Action." And try to have a little humility about all this.

Wayne Orr, SOC

Paul Tauger
December 1st, 2003, 10:41 PM
Friend of mine just called up to complain that he had assembled a crew, cast, equipment and was all ready to yell, "Action." when the lead actress ran off the set yelling, "I can't do this!"Once, I was doing a one-hour dramatic show for a very, very well known producer in which something similar happened -- one of the leads was from New York and primarily stage-trained and experienced. This person (I'm deliberately being vague about who this was -- I don't even want to identify the person's gender) needed to "prepare" before every scene by going off by themself and doing internal work, during which time they could not be disturbed. Now, this kind of thing is fine when you're doing stage, you get to the theater early, and do your preparation before curtain. It is not so great when when the cast and crew and are waiting around for you at a cost of several thousand dollars a minute. Based on comments by the other lead (a well-known actor) and the director, it was unlikely that this person would be working for this production company again. In my years of working in LA, I rarely saw these kinds of displays of temperment, though. Stars never did it, nor did actors like myself (by the time I quit, I had worked my way up to co-star billing).

In one situation, we were doing a fantasy scene that was very "Cinderella," where a girl comes into a party and sees "the prince," and the director told the actress (who was a celebrity ice skater, not an actress) that she sees the prince and immeadiately "falls in love" with him. "I want to see love in your eyes," he told the poor girl, who obviously had no idea what to do. Take two: "More love, give me more love!" he exhorted her. This is quite typical.This kind of direction is quite common, but an experienced actor knows what to do with it. I'd like to take credit for this, but I learned it from Roy London and Joan Darling (another first-rate LA acting coach), and used to teach it myself. When a director gives this kind of direction, i.e. "I want to see more [fill-in-the-blank-emotion]," or, "You need to play even more [fill-in-the-blank-emotion]," what he is really saying is, "There's an empty moment, here." As an actor, that doesn't mean play more love, or amusement or hatred, or whatever but, rather, see what you need to do to make the moment hotter. It may entail using a different substition (a method technique that lets you bring an emotional history to a scene with a stranger/actor), identifying a different action/objective, or, in general, increasing your personal stakes. 99% of the time, if you do your work this way, the director will say, "Perfect, that's exactly what I want," even if he told you to cry and your revised work caused you to laugh. The 1% of the time it doesn't work is because the director is a hack (or a student of Wagner, who believed that actors were "super marionettes" who could be programmed, like robots, to perform exactly as the director wished), and there's not much you can do.

As an actor, it's nice when directors know about the process of acting, but it's not strictly necessary. When I was teaching my beginners, I used to wear a sweatshirt that said, "The Lines Mean S___!" The idea was, an actor approaches a role by creating an emotional reality and identifying the actions that will get achieve their objective in the scene, and these are _not_ something you find in the script -- the lines are merely tools for the performance. If the writing is good, it makes the task easier -- there's more to work with, more room for creative choices, more suggestions and hints about conflict, etc. However, there is never one "right" line reading, or one way to play a scene. Poor directors give line readings, good ones discuss actions and objectives.

Wayne is absolutely right. Good actors don't play results -- in fact, good actors can't play results. They play actions designed to achieve an emotional/social objective, using a variety of techniques to create an internal emotional reality which makes the objective sufficiently important to result in an interesting scene. "The body takes care of itself" (my other sweatshirt). Result-oriented directing makes the process more difficult, not easier, for the actor. BTW, all the best actors of my generation work this way -- DeNiro, Streep, Duvall, Hoffman, Pacino -- all of them studied with acting coaches who teach this technique. I can't speak for the actors who have come up in the last decade since I quit acting, but watching them, I'd be shocked if the good ones worked any other way than this.

I can't suggest any books on film directing -- I've never done it, and only know film and television from the actor's perspective. I can recommend Uta Hagen's "Respect for Acting" as a very good summary of the acting process.

Ken Tanaka
December 2nd, 2003, 12:04 AM
Something that helped my actors make dramatic portrayal choices was supplying them with a backstory for their characters. That is, I gave each of them a page or two of (ficticious) biographical background information on their character that was outside of the film's actual story. This helped me to convey the type of character I was looking for and, according to the actors, helped them to get into their characters' skins when the camera was rolling.

Also, I want to pick up on earlier remarks concerning stage -vs- screen actors. Indeed, the stage actors seemed to often deliver their dialog louder and exaggerate their gestures more than necessary for a camera. It took them a while to get used to the idea of sensitive microphones and a camera lens that could detect the slightest facial muscle twitch.

Marco Leavitt
December 2nd, 2003, 08:27 AM
"It took them a while to get used to the idea of sensitive microphones..."

Oh man is that the truth. I've found that stage actors have trouble increasing their intensity without increasing their vocal level. It creates havoc with the mix. I'm getting ticked just thinking about it. In their defense though, I would say stage actors typically show more commitment. They have more respect for the craft or something. I'd much rather try to teach someone not to yell so much than deal with all the other stuff.

Bruce A. Christenson
December 2nd, 2003, 11:29 AM
In my opinion, DL gets his feel and consistency because he writes or co-writes the scripts himself, as well as using very specific production design and direction methodologies.

For example, if I were to watch "The Ring" I would say, the lead actress is adequate for the part. If I were to watch "Molholland Drive" I would say the lead actress is an incredible talent. I think they're the same actress, so it can't just be all about her.

The sum might be actor+material (script)+direction, and if all 3 are great, the sum will be really great. Maybe production quality too, i.e. an actor might give a better performance on an expensive set, compared to a greenscreen (i.e. Star Wars 2).


Also, in one of the Twin Peaks DVDs, one of the actors discusses how DL made him eat this piece of bread over and over again, getting more aggro about it. The actor thought he was crazy, but that's the style.

<<<-- Originally posted by John Locke : Has anyone ever noticed the consistent acting style in films by David Lynch? I've always wondered how he manages to control that so well, given the variety and range of actors he's used.-->>>

Rob Lohman
December 2nd, 2003, 02:07 PM
Mulholland Drive. Need to watch my DVD of that again (and again).

Thanks for such a great thread! Joy to read. I heard some of it
before, but it is nice to see it here in one place.

John, I would also like to see some great director directos some
great actors. You know, just tailing them through a scene with
all the takes and whatnot. Would be quite nice.

I think someone told me once of a DVD that has such a (short?)
piece on it. Forgot which one though.

Let's hope Kill Bill will have some of that, I saw a behind the
scenes piece that touched on the subject.