View Full Version : How many hours before service?

Steve Goldberg
February 2nd, 2004, 06:24 AM
How many recording hours can a GL2 go before the heads need to be realigned or replaced. If it has been well taken care of. I have about 200 hours on mine and am wondering when I will need to service it.

Thanks for any help.


Ken Tanaka
February 2nd, 2004, 11:27 AM
Since the GL2 has no internal run-time meter (at least that I'm aware of) it might be hard to specify such a number.

Offhand, I'd recommend a regimen similar to that for the XL1s. If you use the camera professionally you might want to have it cleaned and serviced at least once each year. Otherwise, spare the expense until it's malfunctioning or until you have a the-camera-can't-possibly-fail-for-this event coming up.