View Full Version : Encore, Blu-Ra, Encoding

Pete Cofrancesco
April 18th, 2009, 09:46 AM
1. Why is the write speed for my Blu-Ray burner grayed out in the Build pane? It burned without a problem I'm just curious at what speed its using.

2. Why are my mpeg2 movies listed as "Untranscoded"? I've tried exporting them with both Adobe Media Encoder and Apple Compressor as a Blu-Ray mpeg2 with the same result. Has anyone encountered this and have suggestions on how save mpg2 that Encore won't re-encode?

Update: I found my answer to #2, I was looking at the "DVD Transcode Status", hidden from view further to the right there is a "Blu-Ray Transcode Status" column.

Jon Geddes
April 23rd, 2009, 11:05 PM
The answer to #1 could be several things.

- Your burner doesn't support more than 1 speed

- The type of media you are using only supports 1 speed

- You didn't insert the disc into the drive yet

Either one of those scenarios will probably result in the speed being grayed out.

Pete Cofrancesco
April 30th, 2009, 11:44 PM
6x burner LG GGW-H20L - LG Black 6X BD-R 2X BD-RE 16X DVD+R 6X BD-ROM 4MB Cache SATA Internal Blu-ray Burner 6X Blu-ray Disc Burner & HD DVD-ROM Drive Model GGW-H20L - Blu-Ray Burners (

with 4x media

Jon Geddes
May 2nd, 2009, 09:06 AM
Are you burning to a BD-R or BD-RE disc

Tim Polster
May 3rd, 2009, 09:55 PM
Try refeshing the drive.

Or make an ISO file and burn using this cool program I was just turned onto - imgburn.

The same disc that was 4x rated and burning slowly in Encore burned properly in imgburn.

I am very impressed with all that one can control with this program and burning ISOs are a good practice for important work.