View Full Version : Mixing HD with HDV

Bill Rankin
May 1st, 2009, 01:05 PM
I have a client who wants an event shot in HD to add to other events shot in HD to creat a BluRay disc. Would there be a problem adding HDV to a HD timeline?

I did not find anything definitive in the threads, but there is an indication that there should not be any problems. Does anyone know for sure?


Ron Evans
May 1st, 2009, 03:41 PM
HDV is HD what other format do you think has to be mixed? What output format is needed for Bluray?

Ron Evans

Chris Hurd
May 1st, 2009, 03:54 PM
I don't understand the question -- HDV *is* HD.

Are you talking about mixing HDV with another HD format? If so, what is that other format?

Bill Rankin
May 1st, 2009, 10:40 PM
There is some kind of difference or HDV would not be called HDV. I rarely work with HDV or HD and a client asked me a question about it.

As I presumed, there is no difference.

Thank you for your response.

Ron Evans
May 2nd, 2009, 06:14 AM
There is some kind of difference or HDV would not be called HDV. I rarely work with HDV or HD and a client asked me a question about it.

As I presumed, there is no difference.

Thank you for your response.

There are lots of HD formats. HDV comes in two flavors, 1280x720P60, 1440x1080i and record to tape as part of the original definition, AVCHD also comes in several formats, 1280x720, 1440x1080 and 1920x1080. These all come in PAl and NTSC. Then there are the Pro formats....
However if you are using an NLE like Edius you can just put them all on the timeline and edit, then choose you output format. Now you have the same choices again. IF you want to go to Bluray the output has to be one of the accepted formats.

Ron Evans