View Full Version : avi file gets incorrect aspect ratio in quicktime player

Trond Saetre
May 6th, 2009, 01:03 AM
I have an .avi file exported from Adobe Premiere CS3. I am using windows vista 64-bit.

Video shot with a Canon XM2 in 16:9, and Premiere project is also 16:9.

Windows media player shows the correct 16:9 aspect ratio, but the problem is with Quicktime player (version 7.6).

Quicktime plays the video stretched as 4:3 format.

Any ideas how I can correct this, and why it happens? I am guessing it is because Quicktime fails to see the 1,422 pixel aspect ratio in 16:9, and use square pixels?

Gerdy Vandermeersch
October 15th, 2009, 02:25 AM
Hello Trond

If you still have this problem... Maybe it's solved already.

Maybe if you compress the avi by Sorenson Squeeze (if you have that program) you shall not have this problem anymore.

Trond Saetre
October 15th, 2009, 06:21 AM
I always use Squeeze to encode avi to quicktime/windows media/any other formats.
But the problem was with the original .avi file, not a .mov format.

Anyway, problem was solved by upgrading quicktime player months ago.
(And that caused trouble with Squeeze 4.5, so I had to upgrade that one as well to version 5)