View Full Version : Cineform "codec error" in FCP?

Ryan Mueller
May 15th, 2009, 03:28 PM
I keep getting this message when I try to pull in footage that has been transcoded to the cineform HD codec. I am using the Mac version of NeoScene (remaster?) to convert the footage. I sometimes also get an "out of memory" message when trying to view in the viewer in FCP. Anyone have any suggestions? I would like to get the trial working before I invest in the software and codec.

Specs: Macbook Pro 2.16 Ghz, 2 gigs ram, Leopard 10.5.6, FCP 6.0.5, Quicktime 7.6

Craig Davidson
May 15th, 2009, 05:08 PM
FCP will report "out of memory" for any codec error, so it can be confusing. A new release of NeoScene for Mac should be available later today. DO NOT UNINSTALL your current version before installing the new one. It will now save your license and other settings correctly.

David Taylor
May 15th, 2009, 07:51 PM
Ryan - FYI the new Neo Scene Mac build is now posted. Go to our downloads page to get it: CineForm Product Downloads (

Ryan Mueller
May 16th, 2009, 09:48 AM
Thank you for the info about the update. However, Cineform files drop frames on my machine. It's weird because before the update the Cineform HD files would play back smooth as butter in QuickTime, but now they stutter like nobody's business. Also, the codec seems to be messing with some of my other codecs? I try to play DVCPro and ProRes on their own respective timelines and it won't even play. These codecs will now only play for a brief second and then stop? No matter how many times I hit the space bar or "L" I get the same thing, play for a brief second and then stop. Not good! How do I completely wipe Cineform / Neo Scene and all of it's components from my system?

Craig Davidson
May 17th, 2009, 10:20 AM
I just checked performance on a MacBook using the current release of NeoScene, build 6 of NeoScene as well as Build 85 of NeoHD. The test was on three different 1080p files with data rates between 63 and 180mbits/sec. There was little or no difference in the playback performance, if anything the latest build was slightly faster and would show 19fps on one clip where the others would max at 18.

Since you are seeing problems with other codecs, something else changed. If you have a timeline with just one type of material, it is not even aware that other codecs are installed in your machine. The CineForm codecs are found in /Library/QuickTime, and are called CFHDCompressor.component and CFHDDecompressor.component. For a quick test, move them out of that folder and reboot.

Todd Giglio
May 17th, 2009, 06:49 PM
I just updated to the latest version of NeoHD (Mac) and the update went ok. Now when I restarted FCP, my project using Cineform will not load (I get the Codec Error). Quicktime will still play the files, but no go in FCP.

I also tried dragging in a Cineform movie directly to a sequence and I got the Codec Error and then it crashed FCP. I'm on FCP 6.05 running QT 7.6 on OSX 10.5.6 (Mac Pro Octo-Core 3.2 ghz with 18 GB RAM)



Todd Giglio
May 18th, 2009, 08:11 AM
Another strange and different behavior is that I used to be able to preview Cineform files in Finder (pressing the space bar), now the file plays the audio but shows a blank black screen. As I said, Quicktime still plays the files fine.

Other than updating Cineform, nothing else changed.

I hope to resolve this issue soon. Is there also a way to download previous builds (since these worked)?

Thanks again.


Ryan Mueller
May 18th, 2009, 03:32 PM
Since you are seeing problems with other codecs, something else changed. If you have a timeline with just one type of material, it is not even aware that other codecs are installed in your machine. The CineForm codecs are found in /Library/QuickTime, and are called CFHDCompressor.component and CFHDDecompressor.component. For a quick test, move them out of that folder and reboot.

After moving the Cineform encoder/decoder from the Quicktime folder to my desktop all my other codecs that were having problems are now working as they did before. I don't know exactly what is going on there, but it's a bummer. I really wanted to get it to work smoothly on my machine because it was the best looking compression of any of the codecs that I tried.

Craig Davidson
May 18th, 2009, 08:13 PM
Just curious what the version of codec is reported if you do a "Get Info" on the file. The ones I tested with are

Craig Davidson
May 18th, 2009, 08:18 PM
After moving the Cineform encoder/decoder from the Quicktime folder to my desktop all my other codecs that were having problems are now working as they did before. I don't know exactly what is going on there, but it's a bummer. I really wanted to get it to work smoothly on my machine because it was the best looking compression of any of the codecs that I tried.

Put just the decompressor back and see if everything plays correctly. The only thing that I can thing of that could be causing the whole system to slow down is if the finder is using the codec to generate thumbnails. Start the activity monitor and see if anything is running in the background that could be using all your resources. If finder is creating coverflow or thumbnails, your system will bog down.

Todd Giglio
May 18th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Well I uninstalled the newest build of Cineform NeoHD and re-installed a build from Jan. (I had saved the installer) and everything works again. No Codec Errors in FCP. Guess I'll wait to see the word (or another update).


Wibo Broek
May 19th, 2009, 01:53 AM
I've got the same problems as mentioned above. I installed a previous version of CF build 60(still to download)

And everything works fine again.

I believe FirstLight for mac has not seen the light yet...

Waiting for better days

David Taylor
May 19th, 2009, 11:26 AM
We believe we have fixed the "codec error" problems. But we'd like you to please confirm. Please install the latest build (for those of you who rolled back). Then remove the CFHDCompressor and CFHDDecompressor components in the /Library/QuickTime folder (move to desktop for now). Replace the components you moved with the components inside the following zip file: Please confirm that the codec error problem has gone away. We'll roll this into our next build (probably) Friday.

Todd Giglio
May 19th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Hi David,

I'm rendering something right now but once that is finished I'll give it a shot and let you know if the error is gone.



Steve Henry
May 19th, 2009, 09:52 PM
I am getting CFHDDecompressor errors/crashes too. The last time it happened (5 minutes ago) I had just rendered a smoothcam frame and when I played it back, it was fine until it started the next frame and then FCP crashed again with the CFHDD... error. In the meantime, FCP playback has been stuttering and pausing with both this new plugin from the zip file and the one on your latest publshed NeoScene update, which is also I'm using a Mac Pro.

Todd Giglio
May 20th, 2009, 06:42 AM
Still rendering... so once it's finished I'll give it a try.


Todd Giglio
May 21st, 2009, 08:00 AM
Sorry I haven't had a chance to get to it yet. This render is taking FOREVER...


Todd Giglio
May 23rd, 2009, 10:48 AM
Once again I apologize for not getting around to installing those files. I'm on a huge deadline and I'm sticking with what's working. Once the weekend is over I'll install those files and see if the issue is gone.

Thanks again, and everyone have a great weekend.


Todd Giglio
June 5th, 2009, 09:25 PM
I finally updated Cineform (I was in the middle of rendering but came across memory issues -mostly with a plugin- so I figured I'd update).

I'm happy to say I'm not getting codec error messages in FCP with the newest build.



David Taylor
June 6th, 2009, 10:39 AM
Todd, glad to hear it. Also, the newest builds, which I posted only about an hour or so before your post, are MUCH faster -almost twice. Make sure you've got the latest Build 91

Todd Giglio
June 6th, 2009, 05:30 PM

Yeah, the build was Build

Thanks! Have a great weekend.
