View Full Version : next transition question

Bill Mecca
June 5th, 2009, 08:05 AM
UPDATE: Never mind.... I was able to find the answer, used the command pallette to remap the reverse and fast forward to the A and S key, and the keyframe to the N....

I've been editing on XDV 3.5 since it came out, Media Suite Pro before that, and just got a new system at work with MC 3.5

I have used the A and S keys (next transition) to navigate thru the time line, but when I do that in MC it automatically changes to trim mode. I have searched but cannot find a way to disable that aspect. I just want it to go to the next transition.

My other question is, two parts... why did they change the keyframe shortcut from N to " I have a color coded logic keyboard, and even the stickers that came with the software have the keyframe on N, and can anyone fathm why the keyframe icon does NOT show up in my tool pallette? I have tried to map the key, but it won't let me move that one, and it seems the only way to put it on a timeline tool bar is to take it from the tool pallette, but it's not there. I can get used to the " keyboard shortcut, but old habits are hard to break and I wind up hitting N and getting Doinked.

can anyone tell me how to "correct" the auto trim mode on next transition, that is the one that is driving me nuts. ;-)


Peter Moretti
June 6th, 2009, 03:20 AM

Not sure if you are aware of this, but if you hold down Alt while pressing fastforward or rewind, the timeline indicator will stop at the next edit in any track, regardless of which tracks are selected. I find this pretty useful.

Also, if you use another MC where A and S are still mapped to to go to previous and next edit, holding down the shift key will prevent entering Trim Mode.