View Full Version : Adobe Premiere Update problem

Marcello Mazzilli
July 3rd, 2009, 04:24 AM
Does anybody have the same problem I have? I just updated my CS4 suite and Premiere now doesn't recognise old footage. It opens the projects but says the "footage is too big" so all clips are blank. Also if I try to pen a new Sequence I get fewer options than before... No XDCAM for example.. and no HDV. Also M2T files are not recognized (if changed to MPEG it tries to open but gives the "too big" message).

Harm Millaard
July 3rd, 2009, 12:17 PM
Many have experienced problems in the sense that after updating, their full version reverts to trial status. Often this is caused by either a faulty installation previously or having used at one time the trial version. The best solution, cumbersome and time consuming, is to uninstall, run the CleanScript 2 or 3 times and reinstall and then apply the updates again.

Look here: Using the Adobe Creative Suite 4 Clean Script (

Brian Barkley
July 3rd, 2009, 02:23 PM
Most Adobe techs will tell you to upgrade to CS4 when you're in between projects. I am upgrading in 2 weeks, but I'm barely into my latest project. I'll just start from scratch if things don't work out.

Harm Millaard
July 3rd, 2009, 03:56 PM

The question was about upDATING 4.01 to 4.1.0, not about upgrading from CS3 to CS4. But you are right, finish your project in the version you started with, then upGRADE for new projects.

Marcello Mazzilli
July 6th, 2009, 01:55 AM
The problem is not for a project allready started. I could start again no problem but even if I open an empty project I still have this "limited" Premiere version. I recognise it immediatly because of the lack of option in selecting the format standards, and then I have problems allmost doing anything

Marcello Mazzilli
July 9th, 2009, 05:27 AM
THanks.. it all worked fine.. I had the CS trial underneath