View Full Version : Any dealers in Ohio?

Christopher Reynolds
September 9th, 2004, 06:30 AM
I went to Canon's site and attempted to look up dealers in Ohio that I could visit to test out the XL2 before I write in stone my decision to buy it. I typed in every major city name I could think of and couldn't locate any dealers. Does anyone here have the vaguest clue as to where I can locate a dealer in Ohio? I wouldn't mind driving two to three hours just to hold the XL2. Thanks for any guidance in advance.

Marty Hudzik
September 9th, 2004, 10:07 AM
I currently own the Xl2 and live in Ohio. I live in the Warren area and commute to the North Canton area for my work. I would be glad to let you check it out sometime. I am currently having an issue with what I perceive as poor image quality compared to my old DVX and may be sending it back for an exchange. Let me know if you want to set something up sometime. If I haven't returned it I will be glad to let you check it out.


Christopher Reynolds
September 9th, 2004, 05:47 PM
Marty, I was reading your post earlier this morning and was a little bummed out about the issues you were having. Thats mostly why I started this thread to see if I could get some hands on time with an XL2. I'm blown away you actually come to this tiny half-city for your work. If I may ask, what is it you do? I don't work with my video equipment for a living yet as I just got into this hobby approximately a year and a half ago. I would very much enjoy meeting with you and exchanging input. Feel free to e-mail me whenever you'll be around on a weekend (I'm also free on Monday's). Thanks for the input Marty.