View Full Version : Six Feet Under, the most under-rated show ever.

Yi Fong Yu
September 13th, 2004, 11:08 AM
season4 just finished last night and it was an incredible revelation! what a plot twist stringing from season3's cliffhanger (i won't give it away for the DVDs that are bound to come out). if you like american beauty, this is like that movie but in a TV show format. american beauty is written by alan ball, who won an oscar right? six feet under is created in part by alan ball. he's just one of the most creative tv/movie writers out there right now. i've seen every ep of 6' under and it is really one of the under-rated shows ever.

they say art inspires art and on a forum such as ours we have many creative artist types. i think 6' Under inspires the artist in ourselves to create even more beautiful things. think about the premise of 6' Under. it's a family drama with minor special fx on the corpses. i think anyone with miniDV cam could do this show provided they have that script and acting talent.

Mike Moncrief
September 13th, 2004, 04:55 PM

I am totally with you on this show, one of my all time favs..I thought the first season was great, but last season for me was not well focused and kind of went off on a tangent, somewhat of a dissappointing season.. But this year I thought the show has regained its great plotline and is well written in all its quirkiness..

The episode this year when David picked up the psycho guy who faked his car breaking down was a classic..

Still have not seen the finale(I have it on Tivo) Cannot wait..

Great writing, great acting, great show..


Yi Fong Yu
September 14th, 2004, 10:41 AM
that was my fav ep too. someone in the writing group must have been in that situation before cause it felt too close to reality. with 'life flashing before you' sequences. i mean for a funeral director who deals with death everyday, you would have thought he was going to deal with the possibility of death differently but he does what everyone else would have done in his position. i also think the character of david is THE BEST gay character ever written. he's the most well rounded, most like-able, most positive potrayal of a homosexual character EVER. although i myself disagree about certain stances on issues that the show takes i always find its characters very fascinating no matter how moribund. that is the mark of a true classic show, even if you don't agree with its message, you are pleased that the message was brought to you in such an entertaining manner.