View Full Version : HD link VS PP capture Prospect/HD

Bruce Gruber
August 26th, 2009, 03:03 AM
I have a question. What is the differance if any if I capture using HD link or Premier Pro but using CF capture settings> I am capturing HDV 60i? Also if I use HDlink is Autimatic setting good for the frame size setting? I am using 1920x1080 when I capture.


Ray Bell
August 26th, 2009, 05:18 AM
Not sure about your first question as I always use HDlink for capture.. just easy to use
and I trust it more than messing around with PPro...

The auto setting just lets the computer capture the footage as it was shot...

for example, some camera's output a 1440 or 1920... you could set the ingest at 1920
from 1440 source if that is what you need on the timeline.... or if you only have one camera and thats the only source for footage you plan on putting on the timeline then leave it to
auto... an example would be the Canon HV20... footage from the tape is 1440 but
footage from the HDMI port is 1990... so you could if you wanted mix the two sources
and have HD link resize the 1440 to 1990 for the match if desired.

if you really want to play with the footage you can also upscale to say 4K, put that on a
1990 timeline and now you can crop and pan your footage.... :-)

Bruce Gruber
August 26th, 2009, 10:03 AM
Hi Ray thanks. But maybe I was wrong on the setting I do set the capture to 1920x1080 but the auto function I was talking about was in the box where you can select interlaced/progressive or auto. I assum auto would work the same there also?

Dave can you help with my first question?

David Newman
August 26th, 2009, 11:48 AM
For 1080 sources auto means interlaced, useless you select pulldown removal or deinterlace.