View Full Version : 16x9 XL2 footage question

Michael Galvan
September 27th, 2004, 10:55 AM
Hey all,

I have to say that this forum has been very informative to me and I have been reading for quite some time now. I recently purchased the XL2 and have a question about editing 16x9. I use Final Cut Pro HD and noticed that when I import footage shot in 16x9 24p using the advanced 2:3:3:2 pulldown removal through capture, it automatically letterboxes my footage in to fit the 720x480 DV frame size. My question is: should I edit it this way or capture and edit the footage using an anamorphic capture and timeline preset. I tried this (by creating custom capture and timeline sets - basically using DV/NTSC 48Khz with Advanced 2:3:3:2 pulldown and checked the anamorphic 16x9 box) and it works (I'm editing it with a 16x9 frame size). Is there any difference? Is either one preferable?


Marty Hudzik
September 27th, 2004, 07:05 PM
I don't use final cut but I'd venture to guess that you don't want to work in 4x3. Using 16x9 and authoring a real 16x9 DVD will allow for people viewing with a widescreen TV to see a widescreen full presentation. Users who watch it on 4x3 should have it letterboxed automatically for them.

I use premiere pro 1.5 and this method works great for me.

Antoine Fabi
September 27th, 2004, 08:50 PM
it works the same with Final Cut Pro.

the true 16:9 DVD program will display 16:9 on a widescreen TV and will automatically display letterboxed on a "normal" 4:3 TV.

Michael Galvan
September 28th, 2004, 07:48 AM
Thanks guys ... thats what I thought. Give me a week or so and I may be able to post some XL2 16:9 24p cinegamma footage up since thats what everyone wants to see.

Oskar Soltero
November 24th, 2004, 06:12 PM
Hi. I'm new to this forum and am looking forward to see XL2 24p footage in either or both 4:3 and 16:9.
Do you have footage posted that I can see or know of someone else that does?


Jim Exton
November 24th, 2004, 07:59 PM
Oskar - There is a thread called "Some Zoo footage..." on page three. Someone else posted some zoo footage too, I can't remember which is which, but both were excellent and a really good example of the colors and resolution of the XL2.

I am not good at cutting and pasting links. Search for "zoo" in the XL2 section, you will find it.

Also, there is another clip someone shot in Italy. A mountain village. That is outstanding as well.

All three of those are what has me wanting to buy an XL2.