View Full Version : "Trailer Park" lighting

Phil French
October 11th, 2004, 06:07 PM
Last fall, while I was in Nova Scotia, I went to watch the shooting of a scene for an episode of "Trailer Park Boys". It was being shot outside and I noticed they were using a hand held fill(?) light.

What type of bulb would be used for outdoor shooting. Would the white balance be set for sunlight and the light designed to work that way or would the white balance have to be set around the light.

The reason I ask is that this may be a possible solution for a project that I'm working on.

Kevin Kimmell
November 2nd, 2004, 02:24 PM
Sorry to reply without an answer but I couldn't help but laugh when I read this as I am watching the Trailer Park Boys Pilot/Movie as I'm reading the forums.

What was the set like? Was it for the forthcoming 5th season?

Good luck.


Phil French
November 2nd, 2004, 11:14 PM
The "set" was a real trailer park in a place called Eastern Passage. I was out visiting Nova Scotia on a holiday and was staying in Halifax (actually Dartmouth). I'm a really big Trailer Park Boys fan. Don't ask me why, but that show really makes me laugh. I knew that they shot "Trailer Park Boys" somewhere near Dartmouth, so a friend who lived there and I set out to see if we could find the trailer park. Eventually by just driving around and asking people we found the right place. We went to a house they were using for an office and got passes and watched them shooting a scene. I have seen the episode since then. It was from the fourth season and I think it was called "The Green Bastard".

The conditions appeared to be difficult for shooting video in a real trailer park. They had to wait every time a vehicle drove in and out and some of the kids in the park appeared to be going out of their way to make a racket.

They had a small video camera ( I couldn't find out what kind). A hand held boom and some sort of hand held light with a reflector tape to it. They had a small monitor set up and maybe a mixing board and that was about it.

Tony Rogers
November 6th, 2004, 10:13 AM
WTF, I can't believe i've never heard of this movie! It looks like Goodtimes for redneck Canadian trash. Love it! Where can I get eps?? Has it ever played in America? (one would think we'd have had our fill of trailer park themes, but as you can see from Tues., we CAN'T GET ENOUGH!)

Brad Mills
January 21st, 2005, 02:04 AM
I'm pretty sure it's playing in the states now...not sure on what channel though, I heard something like Bravo or HBO...I know there's a huge difference, hah...

Kevin Kimmell
January 21st, 2005, 08:28 AM
It's playing on BBC America I think. I was getting episodes off of but it's been targeted and shut down. I think they finally just release the Season 3 DVD so you can get seasons 1-3 off of their website now.