View Full Version : Weird and makes my hair stand up.

Christopher C. Murphy
January 28th, 2005, 11:17 AM
Hey, I saw this news on CNN:

Anyway, she seemed like a very talented person. She wrote and acted...many interesting projects. The thing that weirds me out...her resume. They need to take that stuff down ASAP.

Pete Bauer
January 28th, 2005, 12:12 PM
I dunno. Just opinion here, but I don't think I'd want to be "erased" the moment word was out that I met an untimely end. Looks like a resume to be proud of...even if it was sadly foreshortened.

The only certain thing: it is another senseless tragedy in a world full of them.

May the criminals be quickly caught and live short existences filled with nothing but torment and misery.

Christopher C. Murphy
January 28th, 2005, 12:18 PM
Pete, I should have specified I meant her cell, home phone numbers etc. That's what I meant more than anything else!

They're in her resume and there are a lot of wackos online just like in real life. Her family shouldn't (and probably don't want) to have her very personal information public right now.

As a matter of fact, I should probably delete what I posted! I will right now.

EDIT: I deleted what I found.

Pete Bauer
January 28th, 2005, 04:28 PM
Thoughtful on your part, Christopher. I would wonder, though, if those numbers weren't actually to her agent anyway, as it truly would have been foolish to post her personal cell phone number on the internet.

Doesn't matter; what does matter is the terrible tragedy of it. It is the barrage of horrific hype about sad things like this that make it a rarity for me to watch the local TV news.

Pete Bauer
February 7th, 2005, 09:33 PM
Not sure how long the link will remain valid, but here's the latest update on this sad story: