View Full Version : After Effects video preview?!

Keravin Peravin
January 30th, 2005, 01:08 AM
Ok, I have a dumb question....

When using after effects at work, I can double click on a dv avi video file in the project box and it brings up simple window with a play and stop button that you can preview the video in. While at home on the same version of AE, when you double click on the video file it brings up a comp footage window.

How do you get the video preview player to pop up instead? It makes for a quick and easy way to preview raw footage and seems to display interlaced footage better than windows media player.

Rob Lohman
January 30th, 2005, 08:41 AM
Have you checked the preferences/settings of both? Compared
them? There's probably a setting that controls what it should do
when you double-click.

Keravin Peravin
January 30th, 2005, 03:21 PM
I can't find any settings on this. I imported a few more vids....the mpeg-4 vid opens in the preview window fine like I was asking about. But the windows dv avi files don't. I think the preview window is a mci video player or something....

Keravin Peravin
January 30th, 2005, 04:08 PM
Here are screenshots of my problem...

MPEG-4 showing the preview window like i'm wanting all my video files to preview in. All files on my work comp (at work) show all files in this window.

Home comp showing dv avi files....

I want dv avi files to preview in the window like the first screenshot. I don't know why my work comp will but my home comp won't.

Rob Lohman
January 31st, 2005, 04:28 AM
I still believe there must be a setting somewhere, otherwise I have
no clue. I don't use AE myself, so I can't check to see what happens
here. Are you using different versions of AE at work versus at home?
PC versus Mac?

Keravin Peravin
January 31st, 2005, 08:04 AM
No, both pcs...both are using AE ver 6.