View Full Version : Z1 Peaking levels and Focus assist = kewl

Greg Jacobson
February 10th, 2005, 04:50 PM
The UPS guy showed up a few hours ago and I am checking out the extra features as compared to the FX1. One thing I like is the extra focus features.

When in auto focus you can nudge the focus ring when auto focus is confused.

You can set the peaking levels to red which I like a lot.

Khoi Pham
February 10th, 2005, 05:48 PM
Hi Greg, can you tell me if you could have zebra and peaking on at the same time? and can you use the internal mic at the same time with a external mic like channel 1 internal and channel 2 external?

Shannon Rawls
February 10th, 2005, 08:04 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Khoi Pham : Hi Greg, can you tell me if you could have zebra and peaking on at the same time? and can you use the internal mic at the same time with a external mic like channel 1 internal and channel 2 external?
Thanks. -->>>


No and No. *sad face*

- Shannon W. Rawls

Khoi Pham
February 10th, 2005, 08:13 PM
Thanks for the bad news Shannon.)-:

Greg Jacobson
February 10th, 2005, 08:45 PM
Same here, I can't get the internal mic to work when an XLR mic is being used.

That would be great of you could have zebra as white and peaking show up as another color (like red) but that is not the case with this cam. One good thing is that you can have the viewfinder in black and white which makes focusing a little easier so you could just use that for your focus an look up at the LCD for your zebra.

The expanded focus button is on the wrong side of the camera for me. I have big hands though so I can reach over with my left thumb even though it is kind of a stretch. You just hit the button and it goes off after a few seconds but stays on as long as the focus ring is being adjusted.

More on the focus assist:

I have tested it out more and it seems to be a good feature if you are at an event where you are moving the camera around all the time and you might want to use autofocus. It gets the focus to where you want it faster in situations where the camera might be confused like lower light or when your subject is not filling up the screen. Once you nudge the focus ring a little it tends to stay in the spot but now always. Holding onto the ring makes no difference as to whether or not the adjusted focus will actually hold. I doubt I will use it much but for certain situations it is nice.

So far the coolest feature for me is the red peaking. It might sound trivial to some of you guys but it really shows up nice when white peaking is hard to see.

There is one audio feature (or lack of) that is just moronic. In order to switch your monitoring between channels you have to go deep into the menu to change between channels 1 and 2. A simple switch on the camera body would be 100 times more logical.

Steve Wyrostok
February 11th, 2005, 10:17 PM
... if you go into the menus and set it: