View Full Version : Where to learn more?

Steven Gotz
February 19th, 2005, 01:35 PM
I posted something like this on another forum and did not really get the answers I expected. So perhaps trying here will provide better results.

I am not as proficient at using the FX1 as I would like to be. I need to get off of Auto as much as possible and get the shots I really want, instead of getting the shots I settle for. I am a rank amateur. One who does not truly deserve the FX1, merely someone who could afford one.

Is someone out there writing a book? Publishing a DVD? Preparing tutorials?

What I want is to know not just how to use the various features, but when, and more important, why? A full explanation of the uses of the zebra pattern and why certain people us different settings. I was able to glean quite a bit of info off od a recent thread for that one. But how about Peaking? How does a pro use the various preset buttons. And why?

I believe a book was published on the DVX100. Is such a thing forthcoming on the FX1? Any time soon?

In the meantime, I would be grateful if anyone could direct me to places, books, DVDs, classes - anywhere I could learn more about all of the manual adjustments available to me.

I know what to shoot. I just need a bit of a head start understanding how to use my camera to the maximum extent possible.

I figure a day with Douglas Spotted Eagle would probably solve the problem. Spot? How about a class on the FX1 / Z1 for a small group? We can fly out and spend a day with you for a reasonable fee. Perhaps with a dozen people, the prices could be within range? Or a couple of dozen perhaps? Or, could you recommend someone else to do the job?

Practice makes perfect, but without the basics, it is difficult to practice. So, any ideas?

Douglas Spotted Eagle
February 19th, 2005, 01:41 PM
We have a tour that's just waiting for NAB to announce the dates, plus a DVD in the process of being finished, plus an update to our HDV:What You NEED to Know book as well.

But it's not an immediate thing...:-)
At the NYC Vegas Users Group meeting on the 7th of March, I'll be going over the Z1 fairly thoroughly if that helps.

Steven Gotz
February 19th, 2005, 05:32 PM
It would certainly help, and I would go to NYC just to attend, but we will be in Acapulco. Hopefully I will come back with decent shots of the Cliff Divers.

If you ever get the urge to visit Dallas, the Motion Graphics group meets on the second Wednesday of each month. You would be more than welcome.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
February 19th, 2005, 05:55 PM
I was JUST in Dallas. I'm doing a lot of work there with WFAA-8 and their new Vegas room. I'll be coming back there again soon, I'm sure. They're also getting into HDV.