View Full Version : I finally got it!!

Matthew Cherry
February 24th, 2005, 06:46 PM
Since I'm scheduled to shoot this scene this weekend, I sure hope so!

Ok, here's the gig, The first set of three photos I took directly from my editor with some post work done. They're still brighter than I wanted but I want you to see what I'm working with. I decided to go with mixed color temperatures, moonlight/candlelight and have to say I do like the effect. The second set looks too red in my browser but looks just right on my spiffy new production monitor so that's what I'm going with (just try and imagine a little less red if it seems to much, LOL!). Also, for the second set I experimented with making some quick masks to simulate DOF. You will see some uglies around the candle, it's not the camera, it was me doing the effect very quickly with a mouse instead of a tablet.

Ok, here it goes. First set:

Now the second set which has had more work and the simulated DOF:

Let me know what you think!


Rob Lohman
February 26th, 2005, 05:17 AM
What kind of blurring did you use? It looks a bit... off... I would
suggest you try another kind of blur (there are many different
blurring algorithms).

p.s. another method to do this more easily is to shoot the table
with the couple in front of a blue or green screen and then shoot
the correct angles in the room (without the table + couple) and
you then composite the two together and easily blur the back-
ground with any masking at all.

However, this way it is more tricky to match lighting etc. You
might solve that by shooting the couple first (to determin the
angels your are going to use) and then keep a computer on
set in the room so you can composite the room right in to see
how it looks. Then you can adjust lights to match the look etc.

Matthew Cherry
February 26th, 2005, 10:11 AM
I blured all three images in about 5 minutes, and didn't pay much attention to what I was doing, it was simply a quicky test so that I could get an overall impression of the effect. I think I could do it much better if I spent time on it. If not, then I won't use it.