View Full Version : DoF utility for the PC

Aaron Koolen
October 4th, 2002, 04:10 AM
Hi all. I've finally chucked up the beta version of this small utility I wrote for the PC to display depth of field details. You simply select a format and can adjust in real time the subject distance, focal length and fStop and see the near and far depth of fields change. There's a little 2d diagram at the top that changes to visually show you the changes in depth of field. It only works on the PC under Window unfortunately, but I'm in the process of writing a slightly better Java version so that anyone with a Java enabled browser should be able to play with it. This version will be a little more tidy than this beta.

There's no help file with it but a few tool tips and it's pretty easy to use anyway, I'll post another link once I have the Java version finished.

You can get it from login:apps pw:dofview


Dave Grey
October 4th, 2002, 08:11 AM
Thanks for the utility Aaron!

I get what looks like an out of version .dll error when I try to run it, however. (OLEACC.DLL linked to missing export USER32.DLL:GetWindowModuleFileNameA)

I'm on an old '95 OSR2 box at the office... Any chance you can elaborate on the environment this little guy needs to run?
Is there an update you can point me at to get new .dll's that will have the functions you are calling?



Aaron Koolen
October 4th, 2002, 07:17 PM
Hi Lyd. Sorry about that. I don't think you can get anywhere on Win95 with this. What version of IE are you using? If possible I'd try upgrading to the lastest version if possible, but from what i've been able to work out you may need 98 or better.

My apologies again, I don't have lots of OS's to test this on. That's one reason I want to do the Java version, so long as everyone has the right version of the SDk they should be fine.