View Full Version : Impact of NAB on Z1 price?

Dominic Jones
April 11th, 2005, 12:31 PM
Hi all...

So, anyone want to place some bets on whether we see a price drop in the FX-1/Z1 range when Panny and JVC's additions to the fray are announced?

I'm all set for a new Z1 (I won't have the extra for either of the other options, unless something truly remarkable happens!), but I'm thinking of holding off until a couple of weeks after NAB in case Sony drop their prices to respond to the new competition...

Will it take longer than a few weeks to see any change?? Is this a no-goer, or a sensible precaution? Your opinions please!.....

Michael Struthers
April 11th, 2005, 12:48 PM
FX-1 is down to 3199.00 and is pretty much a steal. Z-1 might dip a tiny bit, say 200 bucks, but why discount it?

The competition looks like it's coming in higher than 4995.00, so Sony has them on price.

Dominic Jones
April 11th, 2005, 12:54 PM
Yeah, that was pretty much my assessment, but of course the last thing I want is to buy a camera two weeks before it takes a 500 buck dip in price - for my ego if nothing else!

Also, there seems to be talk of the Panasonic being "competitive" in price to the Z1 - which sounds a bit hopeful to me, but that would definitely put the cat among the proverbial pidgeons!!!

Colvin Eccleston
April 11th, 2005, 01:23 PM
Advertised prices in the UK are still stable for the Z1. I don't think the new cameras are aimed at the Z1/FX1 so I don't think they will come in at the same price level. It would be commercial suicide to start a price war with a new technology. What they are trying to do is hurt each others sales by building their own little niches, which each claims is best, according to format, capture media, capabilities etc.
I don't see any need to sell off my Z1 in the foreseeable future. Progressive would have been nice for web and dvd but until the EBU decides on the interlace question, it isn't critical. And seeing as I couldn't afford more than the Z1, it wouldn't affect me anyway. Nor would I want anything physically bigger for the way I work.

George Griswold
April 11th, 2005, 04:56 PM
There has also been talk about the impact of the falling dollar on the import pricing of the Z1--- not to mention everything else. That is the reason I bought mine a few months back.


Boyd Ostroff
April 11th, 2005, 05:05 PM
I've wondered whether we'll see a price drop on the Z1 also. Unless you need one right away I don't think there's much downside to waiting a few weeks personally. If it does come down a bit in price I would be very tempted, and not for HDV at this point, but because I've got a project coming up this summer that needs PAL. I don't think the Panasonic or JVC cameras will do that, and neither does the FX-1....

Bryan McCullough
April 11th, 2005, 06:14 PM
No reason in the world to buy this close to NAB.

I'm not sure we'll see a price drop. My guess is that the closest thing to the Z1 is still going to be a few thousand away. Maybe more bang for that buck, but I don't think we're going to see a cam that will compete at the exact price level.

Chris Brook
April 12th, 2005, 04:41 AM
I have to agree with what has been said if you need it get it - I am just getting mine as I need it this Sunday.

For me not having it would be to miss a unique opportunity, so a no brainer. One thing to bear in mind is that the Z1 still isn't in great supply so even if demand drops after NAB it may not be to a level that requires a marketing push. For me it suits what I need and I can survive without native 24p. And like Colvin the size is exactly what I want.

(Still fingers crossed it doesn't come down as it makes the personal justification easier!)

Mark Grant
April 12th, 2005, 07:09 AM
Also, there seems to be talk of the Panasonic being "competitive" in price to the Z1

Only provided you ignore the cost of the P2 cards...

I'm waiting until after NAB to buy a Z1 just in case something better is coming out soon, but I don't think the odds are very high.

Dominic Jones
April 12th, 2005, 02:33 PM
Thanks guys...

Pretty much all confirming what I'd already figured, but it's nice to have backup!!

I too am hoping for a miraculous price on the Panny, but as mentioned unless I can get files to a Firestore system or similar, P2 cards will put it *way* out of contention...

I agree, it's madness to buy this close to NAB (unless, as mentioned, you're going to miss a job on it) but aargh, the wait - I want it now! :)